Chapter 47: Sunset And You

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*unedited *

Manik and Nandini were standing at the billing counter getting the dress choosen by Manik packed. Nandini threw an uninterested glance around the shop. She found a familiar face in that crowd. It took her a few moments to realize who that face was but when she did she got the solution to her problems.

Nandini's pov

This face looks familiar. I have seen her somewhere. I can't recall her. (Thinks for sometime) yes! She is Tanvi. Tanvi Sekhawat. I made a bespoke gown for her at the start of this year. If I am not wrong her father is Maharashtra's IG. Yes! I found the solution to my problem. She can definitely help. Should I go approach her directly? That won't be professional. Oh goddd! Think Nandini think of a way.

Her brain finally started to work and she got a not-so-good-but-workable idea. She looked at Manik, who was busy in completing the formalities with the sales girls which was taking quite a bit time. Why won't they? Their favorite super star was standing right in front and they were having a ideal fan moment. She excused herself from there and went about in the shop looking here and there. She intentionally bumped into Tanvi. "I'm so sorry... I am really very sorry I didn't see you", Nandini acted looking too innocent to falsify. "Hey Nandini, it's okay", she said sweetly. "How are you? ", she asked Nandini genuinely. "I am good...was just a little lost somewhere", Nandini replied,"Lost? Is everything okay? ", Tanvi asked with great concern. "Yeah...yeah", Nandini said as fakely as possible. "No Nandini there is something troubling you right? You can tell me maybe I can be of some help ", Tanvi told. "No it's a umm... Police matter ", Nandini acted to hesitate. "Then I can totally help" , Tanvi declared. " How?", asked Nandini with utmost sincerity," Nandini i think you are forgetting who am I? ", she said and Nandini made a highly confused face. "Nandini I hope you know Mr Rajveer Sekhawat. The IG Maharashtra. He is my father", Tanvi filled in. "Oh really?", she asked "yes Nandini. I'll give you his number and you can talk to him. Maybe he can help ", Tanvi further requested a little more and Nandini finally took his number and then bid bye to her.

Nandini's pov (words in bold are Nandini's conscience)

Yes! I got it. I had to act a bit but it's okay. (She was about to move back to Manik when her conscience questioned her) what was that Nandini? You never used to do all this. (Nandini stopped in her way and thought for a second) yes I never did this before. Why I did it I don't know. I just had help Manik. Are you sure you JUST want to help Manik? Yeah what else can it be.? Nandini think a little beyond this? Why haven't you done this for any one else? I don't have any one else those who are mine are the ones I can do anything for. Stop fighting the feeling Nandini embrace it. It's nothing wrong. Wha...what feeling there is nothing? You won't accept it right? But don't worry Manik will make you accept it. Remember your mind doesn't believe it but your conscience does.

This mind Vs conscience battle could have gone for long but Manik's voice put a full stop to it. "Who was she? ", he asked. "Why...why do you wanna know? ", Nandini asked scared that maybe he has started to doubt a little.
" Nothing just found her cute. Maybe I can go with her on a date or two ", Manik joked looking serious. Nandini gave him an uninterested eye roll. "What? What's with that eye roll?", Manik asked," Stop joking Manik. I know you aren't interested in her", Nandini said with full confidence. "Ohh! And what's the reason behind this thinking? ", Manik asked getting too interested in it. "You are a one woman man", she said without thinking twice. "And how do you know that I have found that one woman?", said Manik smirking as she was well trapped in his war of words like always. Nandini indeed is a sharp minded lady but her weakness lies in words. She was never much of an orator. She speaks very less but when she does they always come out to be as well moulded sentences. The reason she always looses this battle against Manik was that with him she speaks without thinking. Generally when you speak without thinking you speak your heart.

ANAM CARA || A MaNan Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें