20. the morning after

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20. the morning after

YOU'RE NO FUN." Eros frowns at the goddess before him, crossing his arms over his chest.

Apollo seems like he's finally snapped out of his daze, and his gaze zeroes in on Eros, who grins at him rousingly. "Eros?" His brows knit together in confusion as he turns his head to get a good view of Eros.

Eros nods, his face splitting further into a grin. "You didn't recognize me, old friend!" He exclaims and hops over the bar, submerging Apollo into what seems like the most suffocating hug I've ever had to witness.

Artemis rolls her eyes at the over-excitement on his face as he presses Apollo's head deeper into his chest.

"Okay, alright – that's enough." Apollo's voice is muffled out by Eros' hard, chiseled chest. Even through his shirt, I can see the muscles bulging.

"How long has it been? Two, three centuries? When Adonis told me that you'd been banished to Tartarus, I didn't wanna believe it... but when I went out to Mount Olympus and Ares was the new leader up there..." he explains, violet eyes wandering across the room and settling on something that piques their interest.


His grin widens as his scrutiny becomes clearer, and he really focuses his purple gaze on me, a flicker of curiosity flashing through his eyes for a moment.

"Care to explain what in the Underworld is going on here?" Though Eros is watching me, Apollo's hard silver gaze is focused on him, with lips pursed into a straight line and a crease forming in the space between his thick brows.

"Enough of this, where is my hunter? And where is the foul demi-god? The one they call Heracles?" Artemis growls, shoving Apollo aside and facing off against Eros, who only grins at the way the goddess growls.

"Questions... questions... you guys are no fun." Eros feigns a frown as he finally returns his gaze to Artemis and Apollo. "Artemis..." he groans with the roll of his eyes, tanned skin glistening in the light of the bar. "I'd hoped that after all those millennia, you'd have removed that stick up your shriveled old arse, turns out I was wrong." He announces nonchalantly, as if he didn't just insult a really powerful goddess.

There are flames dancing in the pupils of Artemis' eyes by the time my eyes dart to her for a retort, she doesn't say anything to him, only clenches her fists and growls like a real animal. "You filthy, disgusting, sorry excuse for a—" Apollo touches her shoulder to calm her, but she shoves it off of her, a flash of red hot anger flickering in those celestially deep pools of brown she calls eyes.

"Fine. I will find her myself." She groans in a low tone and pushes past Eros and out the door, slamming it shut behind her with such power that I momentarily lose my balance.

Now it's just the three of us in the room, and the tension is at an all time high.

"What's this all about, then?" Apollo's cool voice breaks through the barrier of silence we've all created, an unreadable emotion swirling in his silver eyes.

Eros' grin has returned to his chiseled, gorgeous face.

Why do all of these gods have to be so divine?

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