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CHANCELLOR PALPATINE STOOD BEFORE HER, once again in blue, holographic form

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CHANCELLOR PALPATINE STOOD BEFORE HER, once again in blue, holographic form. There was no audience this time, only the two of them. "Many worlds inside the Republic have chosen to abide in your mission to aid those less fortunate. Coruscant, Corellia, Alderaan, of course, Naboo... and many more. Care packages are being arranged throughout the galaxy."

"I'm elated by this news, Chancellor." Leora replied with the upmost sincerity.

"And since it was you who first raised this concern," Chancellor Palpatine spoke slowly, "I would like to motion a diplomatic sentient-being rights mission on Sullust. With you as the organizer."

"Chancellor, I am highly flattered by your request but I will remind you I am very much of the culture I've been raised, you could say I am a pacifist," Leora wasn't sure she'd use that exact term to identify herself but was at loss for another more fitting term that meant violence only as a last and final resort. "Are you certain I am the correct choice for a mission on Sullust? A world where mass weaponry is created?"

Palpatine nodded. "Of course, Senator Petall. You are the perfect choice. We do not want conflict. We want someone who will deescalate any tense situations that could arise while aiding the people."

"And how dangerous is this escapade?"

"You will need to remain convincingly incognito." He warned seriously. "I would suggest no task force. A pilot and droid. You should be able to distribute the supplies on your own over several days or weeks. You also must be aware: slavery and trafficking are still humongous problems in the Outer Rim, as well as our Separatist enemies."

"If you do not wish to partake—"

Leora shut him down before he could finish. "No, no. I accept the assignment, Chancellor. I did want to help, did I not?"

Palpatine smiled, proud and eager. "So it is decided. Gather the supplies Gatalenta has to donate and assemble your small force. High-ranking Republic officials will know of your location as a safety precaution but that is all."

Leora ended her holocom call, gathering her thoughts. She would have to pack—light and essential items only—and she would have to find the amount of supplies she needed in a very short time frame. Leora decided that was the most dire of her worries and headed down the elevator in her building to find the Trade Minister, as well as local crop growers, to see what Sullust usually required and what the growers could handle. She also needed to find Commander Zahll to fly her—

"Leora, I was only my way up to see you." Michael gave her a megawatt smile that could've taken her breath away if she was three years young. Instead, it made her stomach drop. Her special day with Anakin and all the chaos of civil war had made her forget that Michael had returned. Ignorance is bliss.

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