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Holly was currently sitting in Dawns lap as Dawn gently braided her hair.

"My two favorite girls."Luke said ruining the moment.

"Hi daddy!" She leaped into Lukes arms.

"Hey, I have to go to work see you guys later." She kissed Luke's lips and waved goodbye to Holly.


"Yeah cupcake?"

"Is Dawn gonna be my new mommy?" She asked furrowing her eyebrows.

"Maybe someday." He said

"But, I don't want another mommy." She squires out of Lukes arms and set herself on the ground.

"Why not?" Luke knelt down beside her to be at eye level with her.

"Cause nobody can replace mommy." She said her lip quivering.

"Holly, I know but don't you want daddy to be happy." He stroked her cheek.

"Not if it means replacing mommy." She cried.


"Just leave me alone." She ran off to her room slamming the door. She actually locked it this time.

Luke didn't understand why Holly was so upset. She was always so happy when Dawn was around. He didn't want his cupcake to be unhappy, but he didn't want to be unhappy either.


A week later

Holly had been very distant from Luke she didn't hug him or kiss him like she usually did.

Maybe from time to time a simple hi. She didn't let Luke carry her in his arms either, which really hurt Luke. And the other day she got really mad at Dawn for kissing Luke.

Holly walked into the room interrupting Luke's thoughts.

"Cupcake come here." He said patting a spot next to him on the couch.

She sat on the couch, but distantly.

"Come closer." He pleaded. She moved the slightest closer. Honestly Luke was just tired of this and wanted to hug her.

So instead of wasting his time he pulled her into his lap and tightly wrapped his arms around her.

"Are you upset with me." He asked.

"Yes." She said her voice muffled from laying her head on Luke's chest.

"Why?" He asked.

"Cause I don't want another mommy ok!" She squirmed out of his arms.

"You're being stubborn!" He yelled. Luke rarely yelled at Holly, only cause he never had a reason to.

"I don't care!" She yelled.

"Stop acting like a selfish little brat!" Luke yelled.

"I hate you!, I wish you died instead of mommy." She ran into her room locking the door.

Luke didn't know what to say. His heart was just shattered into a million pieces.

He didn't say anything, he just broke down.

A/N: SORRY, I feel bad cause Holly said something that no one should ever say to their parents. Cliffhanger but I'll update tomorrow! !!!

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