Wolfman or Werewolf, Ah

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Wolfman or Werewolf, Ah

Xu Bei hasn't seen that old bastard for approximately three years and the change of address from father to old bastard would continue to be traced back to many years.

It wasn't that Xu Bei didn't want to see him, there was no need to see him.

Xu Bei hadn't seen him since that old bastard never knew which place to get ahold of Ban Datong's important object.

Ban Datong, contrary to what one might expect, shows up very diligently. Xu Bei felt that he could more or less see him without meaning to because that old bastard told Ban Datong that the stuff is with Xu Bei, you'd want to go look for him.

In fact, before Xu Bei was set up by that old bastard, he would often see Ban Datong's Hummer that was modified closely to an armored vehicle just as much as Ban Datong himself. It was also due to that old bastard that he owed a large sum of money to Ban Datong.

That old bastard lost the money and was going to sell the house to pay off the debt. Xu Bei looked at the man kneeling in front of him weeping bitterly, saying that he would lose a leg if he didn't pay the money back. He felt that in all of his lifetime, he supposed that he never had the opportunity to do his filial duty. He clenched his teeth and borrowed a high-interest loan from Ban Datong to pay back the old bastard's money.

But this incident made his mother's evaluation of him fall to the valley floor of a marine trench. She said that if I knew your money was from a loan shark, I would have slept out on the streets before I touched it, I wouldn't touch it if I died, and I wouldn't have touched it if you died either

Ever since then, Xu Bei never had a peaceful life again and compounded interest on his debt had piled up to Mt. Everest, making Xu Bei see that the only option from Ban Datong was to run for his life. Ban Datong had actually given Xu Bei a chance not to pay back the money, but Xu Bei didn't accept it. He wasn't so strong-willed, but even if he was indeed a pile of trash, he still has the bottom line of trash.

He said, Ban-ge, come right up and kill me.

I won't kill you, there will inevitably be a day where you will crawl up to me and beg me to give you another chance.

Xu Bei was lying down on the bed wrapped up in a quilt, feeling his body was slightly chilly. He looked at the little wolf: "Help your Dad turn the heat of the air conditioner up. Why do I feel so cold?"

The little wolf tilted his head, it sat upright and didn't move an inch.

"Air conditioner..." Xu Bei pulled his hand from under the quilt and pointed to the thermostat control switch on the wall. "Turn it a bit... Ah, you can't reach it."

Xu Bei was very depressed. His body felt listless and he didn't want to move. After hesitating for a long time, he truly couldn't help it. He wrapped himself up in the quilt and began to scoot bit by bit to the bedside, thinking to himself that he looked like a big white worm: "Tragic... No Country for Old Men..."
(TN: It's a movie, it's from America but I've never seen it so I don't know what he's referencing to here lol.)
Xu Bei lamented while scooting to the bedside for a little while, and saw the little wolf stand up.

It looked a bit lazily at Xu Bei, it once again went up to the wall and fixed its gaze on the switch and studied it for a while. It jumped up and touched the switch with the tip of its nose and the switch was pushed up.

"Attaboy..." Xu Bei called out with a sigh, he reclined back down and rewrapped the quilt and scooted back in place. "Looks to be a little bit too high, it might get hot in a few minutes, ah."

The little wolf stood still and didn't seem to understand what he was saying. Xu Bei once again pulled his hand out from the quilt and pointed at the switch. "Push it down a smidgen, but it's a little troublesome. Your nose may not work well. You don't have hands... what about paws, try that out. "

Wolf's Temptation (狼的爱恋) Chinese BL Translation by: 巫哲Where stories live. Discover now