1. Dreams Do Come True

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So this is my first fanfiction and I hope that you will like it. I mean who doesn't like Harry Potter, and again hope that I won't ruin this wonderful story that J.K.Rowling has written.

Enjoy!!!!!! :D

By the way, I don't own any of the original characters from Harry Potter, except Christine Snape and Elisabeth Avery.


I'm Christine Elisabeth Snape and believe it or not my father is Severus Snape. I couldn't ask for a better father, he is just amazing, but he knows to be extremely strict and scary. Like now. Since his work required that he has to be at school almost all the time I ended up practically living in Hogwarts. I even had my own room deep in the dungeons hidden in the walls. But in time I got tired of hiding.

Except for professors, no one knows of my existence and I really wish to make friends. It always amazed me how kids of all ages roamed through the castle all having fun and of course studying. Many wouldn't agree with me but I really enjoy studying. Maybe I'm like that because of my father but when I find something that I don't know I immediately need to learn it, it's just the way I am. He is the only one I could look up to since my mother died at childbirth, at least that it's what I was told. My father refuses to talk about her and I don't even know how she looked like, the only thing I know of her is that we have the same eyes, dark blue. Like the ocean. Everything else is from my father, black wavy hair that reached to my pants, my stoic personality that resembles his way too much and our love for potions and spells couldn't compare to anyone.

Even though I have learned a lot of things from him and other professors and now with my eleven almost twelve years of age I could proudly say that I know more than kids of my age, I'm more capable even than some full-grown wizards, but for me, that is not enough. I want to experience living in Hogwarts as a student, to sit in the classroom and study with my friends, not to hide behind my father's desk so I could see him teach. So since the new school year is approaching and I'm finally old enough I started daily begging my father to let me be a student.

Dad please!" I begged hands clasped trying my best to look as if I'd be severely crushed if he gave a negative answer.  

"Why? " He looked at me, confusion in his eyes. 

"You know that I've always wanted to go to school here." 

"I still don't understand why. I mean why would you want to be a student at Hogwarts when you literally live in it. Besides, I can teach you everything you need to know" 

"I know, and I know that I am probably better than half the school already because of all the stuff you've taught me."

"Then why?" He started to get angry. Maybe I've been pushing the subject a little too hard. 

"Because I want to live a normal life! " Oops, it just kinda slipped out. I tried to stop my tears. He somehow always managed to bring my emotional side out. I don't know how, no one else has ever done that. "I want to meet people my age, study with them, even if I don't really have to. I'm sorry dad but I don't want to hide behind your back for the rest of my life!" Then I start crying. I mentally face-palmed myself for my foolishness. 

"Alright. I know you will never stop asking ." He stopped for a second it looked like he was making up his mind. "So I'll speak with Dumbledore." He finally said it. He kind of looked disappointed but I was too happy to care right now.

"Really?! Thank you, thank you!" I said that unusually fast, he just patted my head. In the back of my eye, I could see him smile. He didn't do that very often. When I think about it, he only smiled when he was with me.

 "Sooo?" I kind of jumped from his hand "When will we go to the Diagon Alley?" I was so excited I could bark contain the sequel rising inside me. 

"Who said that you will be going to school? I have said that I will talk to Dumbledore about it." He said in a low adverb tone. 

"You," I started reaching up to punch his chest. "Are not fair!" My fist didn't even make it to him before he caught my wrist. He was way too tall for me. 

"You, my darling are still far too short to do that," He let go of my arm.

"Hm!" I lifted my head, I do that when I am extremely angry. "Don't worry I will be one day."

"We shall see." He sent a smirk my way before continuing. "By the way, Hagrid was looking for you. Said he want to show you something." 

"Alright, I'll go and find him." I hope he will let me ride Buckbeak. Hagrid said that hippogriffs are dangerous but I don't think so. To me, they looked very beautiful and gentle.

I spent almost the whole day with Hagrid. He didn't let me ride the hippogriff, but he let me pet him a little, so that would be an improvement right?

It was almost dark outside when I got back to the dungeons. My room was at the end of the corridor and it was freezing like hell. I just couldn't wait to get into my room. When I went inside I saw Snape sitting on my bed and looking at some pictures that I had drawn earlier that day. 

"Dad, why are you here?" He rarely ever came into my room. Usually, he did when I was in trouble. He snapped out of his thoughts. He just stood up and looked into my eyes. He looked so scary.

"What happened, have I done something?" He opened his mouth to take a deep breath in. OH MY GOD, he is mad at me, oh my God. 

"Would you like to come with me tomorrow to the Diagon Alley?" He finally spoke. 

"What" I looked at him in shock. He clearly noticed the sigh of relief I let out because his upper lip turned upward ever so slightly. 

"We have to buy you the books and equipment that you need for school," He looked away, and I smiled widely.

"Really! You're letting me go to school!" I was so excited this is the best day of my life! He just nodded not sharing my enthusiasm. I jumped up and hugged him so tightly.

"Keep squeezing me like that and you'll break all my bones," He joked. I laughed and he returned my hug. 

"You can go, but you will have to promise me something." His usual seriousness returned to his voice. "Anything!"

"You will have to have a fake name. It is for your safety." I was a little disappointed. "People won't like you if they know that I am your father." He finish and stood up from the bed.

"Uh okay. If I have to, but what my name will me?"  I stood up in front of him. I wanted to tell him that I wouldn't care if they didn't like me but I knew that most people don't like him because of the way he acts and they would be scared of me.

"I spoke with Dumbledore and your name will be Esther Moore, you are a half-blood and you are from London. Oh and you never meet your parents, it is easier like that."

"Okay. I just don't particularly like that I am a half-blood but if is that what will let me go to school then I am okay with it."

"Good. Rest well we are going tomorrow at 9 am, be ready then." With that, he shut the door and left. 


Sorry for the crappy chapter but this is just the beginning and I have a lot more interesting stuff to write. So the next chapter will be about the trip to Diagon Alley so I hope that it will be more interesting. 

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