Act I: Chapter 1

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The Original Witch lights a thick strand of sage on fire with her magic as she awaits for her guest to meet her

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The Original Witch lights a thick strand of sage on fire with her magic as she awaits for her guest to meet her. Within a few minutes, her eldest son, dressed up in an exquisite suit, opens the doors to the private study, allowing a brunette to cautiously walk in. The girl looks at Esther, the one who requested her presence, and then to the herb in her hands with skepticism.

Esther quickly notes the questioning look on the girl's face. "It's only sage. I've spelled it so we can speak freely without fear of being overheard." Esther looks to her son, "That will be all Finn, thank you." He nods his head obediently before slipping out, closing the doors firmly behind him.

"You must have a million questions for me, Elena. Please," she gestures for Elena to come join her, setting the sage down on the table before her. Elena's extravagant ballroom gown ruffles as she makes her way over to Klaus Mikaelson's mother, the one who is apparently the secret weapon to end Klaus once and for all.

The pair sits down on the ornately furnished couch as Elena lets her curiosity get the better of her, "How are you alive? Are you a ghost or?"

"Not exactly. When I died, the witch Ayana preserved my body with a spell. She was a close friend of mine, an ancestor of your friend Bonnie."

Elena's gaze focuses away from the witch in thought as she takes in the new information, "So that's why only Bonnie and her mother could open up the casket."

Esther locks eyes with the key to her spell, finishing Elena's thought, "They complete the Bennett bloodline. I drew power from them and their ancestors who were with me on the other side."

It's clear that the Original Witch has a lot of power and connections with the magic around her, both in this world and the other side where those are stuck in a limbo of sorts. She's not someone you want as an enemy, something Elena realizes instantaneously.

More questions surface for the human doppelgänger, "So you've been on the other side for a thousand years?" It was a long time to be stuck, unable to pass on and having to live with the consequences of one's actions.

"Nature's way of punishing me for turning my family into vampires, but there is a way for me to undo the evil I created."

Elena breathes out upon realization of what Esthers plan is and reason for seeking her presence, "You're going to help us kill Klaus aren't you?"

Esther responds back with an ominous, yet strong tone, "One thing at a time, Elena."

The witch moves towards the table, lighting a candle in the center of it, "I understand Rebekah shared the story of my family, how I upset the balance of nature by turning my children into vampires."

"She said you did it to protect them from the werewolves."

Esther brings her head up for a moment and jumps into a deep rooted memory, thinking back to what it was like for her entire family to be human. When nature was balanced and not angry with her. "It's true. But in no time at all, they began to feed on human blood. They ravaged the town with no remorse. Eventually Niklaus turned against me."

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