5.The Friendship That Ended Before It Started

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Sorry about the picture, I was a little bit bored and then I decided to draw something. I hope you like it.

I woke to a familiar high-pitched voice screaming for me to wake up. Pansy was jumping up and down my four-poster.

"Esther wake up! C'mon, we'll miss the breakfast!" She was now shaking me violently.

"Ugh.... 5 more minutes!" I pushed her away while clutching my head under my pillow.

"Are you crazy it's half-past seven, already! Snape is going to give us our class schedules today. If he doesn't see us at breakfast he will kill us!" She was wearing the same terrified expression that most did at the mention of my father's name.

"Uhhh... okay, Mum!" She just shot me a deadly glare. I stood up and went to the bathroom. I quickly showered and put on my robes.

Pansy and I ran to the Great Hall. She went to sit with Draco and his minions Crabbe and Goyle, and I went to say hello to my friends from Griffindor.

"Hey! Harry, Ron how are you?" I said with a smile plastered on my face. Yes, I was still mad at Ron but that doesn't mean I don't want to speak with him.

For a moment I turned around to look at the Slytherin table. I met the eyes of Draco, who along with a few others were giving me hard stares. The rest of the hall was looking at me like they just saw Snape dancing. Was it that bad for a Slytherin to talk to a Gryffindor? Ok it probably is, but I really don't care what others are thinking, they are my friends and I will speak with them if I want to.

Harry started to say something but Ron shoved him with his elbow, Harry just whimpered.

"We don't want to speak with you," he said not even looking at me.

"Would you mind telling me why?" I said with an edge.

He looked at me with pure anger in his eyes. "Oh I don't know, maybe cause you are a bloody Slytherin!" He yelled up at me.

Harry was just staring at his food not saying anything.

"And why should that even matter?" I was trying to stay calm, but that was hard because people started whispering around us. Ron didn't say anything he just ignored me and start eating.

"Harry?" I looked at him, hoping that he will say something but he just looked down at his hands.

"Fine," I said calmly. I sat next to Pansy and sent her a sarcastic smile.

She looked at me confused. "What just happened?"

"Nothing, they just don't want to hang out with me." I was really hurt by what Ron said. We had such a great time on the train. I can't believe they don't want to speak with me just because I am in Slytherin.

If that's how they wanted to play, I will show them what it really meant to be a Slytherin. like the Sorting hat said, I'm only kind to people I want to be, and they are not those people anymore.

After half an hour we went to our first class. Potions! This is the first time that I am going to my dad's class. Okay, it is not the first time because I had watched it a few times from the corner of the classroom hidden behind a shelf full of various ingredients. This is my first time as an official student, so it is going to be amazing. I can actually answer the questions.

We arrived at the dungeons where the potions classroom was held. A few students were already in the classroom so Pansy and I quickly took the desk at the back. I do love my dad but I still don't want to be too close to him while he is teaching, he can get a bit scary sometimes. Draco and Blaise sat beside us.

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