Ch. 48 - Damn Those Eyes

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"You can either wallow in self- pity,
or do something about it.

- Dominic

Chapter 48 - Damn Those Eyes

▪️J E E - M I N▪️

When we arrived at the designated location, we easily spotted Jade's car as the chrome purple colour vibrantly gleamed in the mid-afternoon sun.

The men and I quickly exited our vehicles and ran towards the diner.

We had reached just in time to witness a large Mexican man throw Jade's seemingly lifeless body into the trunk of an unmarked silver SUV before speeding away.

There were also some other Mexican men who put an unmoving Cristiano into a second identical vehicle before driving off as well. The remaining men turned towards the third SUV and, while in the process of getting into the vehicle, we wasted no time in firing our weapons, killing them.

Miguel, in his arrogance it seemed, had decided to make a quick call on his mobile phone, instead of getting into the SUV. He was located a few meters away with the device pressed firmly to his ear.

I had no doubt that he was talking to José, letting him know what had transpired. Miguel was standing on the pavement and I assumed that he had instructed the other men to drive off with Jade and Cristiano, while he would follow behind in the last SUV.

Unfortunately, the call would result in him being captured.

After we had killed his men, we turned our guns on Miguel who knew he had no way of escaping. I heard him tell the Cartel boss that he was sorry and immediately dropped the phone on the ground and mashed it with his feet, destroying it and the sim inside.

From the look on his face, it was obvious that the Fuentes twin tried to think of a way to create a distraction to give the vehicles carrying Jade and Cristiano a bigger head start, knowing that the least he could do was stall us. However, from the way he stood frozen in place, it seemed that he was unable to think of a plan as he was immediately surrounded.

"Drop your weapon!" I shouted while pointing my gun in his face.

Without taking my eyes off of Miguel, I quickly shouted at some of the men to go follow the Mexicans' vehicles.

Miguel did as he was told. His grin was wide as he watched me, taunting, "And to think I came to Aelbank City today for something completely different. Imagine my surprise when I got a call about the beautiful Jade being unprotected. I would have thought Calvetti would have been more careful in protecting his bitch!"

A muscle at the side of my temple ticked as I ignored the man's heckling, "Where are you taking Jade and Cristiano? Where is Blaire?"

There was a slight hitch in my voice at the end when I mentioned the raven-haired girl's name and I hoped that no one noticed.

The only answer given to me came in the form of the Mexican's loud and maniacal laugh.

Nigel walked up to Miguel and started punching him in the face, "Where is Blaire?" Growing impatient, the Irishman then head-butted the man, immediately knocking him out.

Letting out an exasperated sigh, I holstered my gun, "You do realise now that we have to carry him, right?"

"Shit..." Nigel cursed as he dropped Miguel's heavy body to the floor. He then turned around and signalled for some Irishmen to load the man into one of the vehicles.

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