: sixteen :

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It was obvious that their relationship wasn't going to improve drastically from night to day, but baby steps were still good. Y/n still found herself snapping at Harrison every now and then but it wasn't nearly as bad as it used to be. She was really trying to give him a chance, to make things work for when Tom came back everything would be better. There were yet a few things to work on but she was sure that they'd figure it out before Tom returned home. Even though it was uncertain when she and Tom would go back to their side of town, she found herself wishing the alert was over so they could go back to Pearl a lot less.

In the evening in the middle of the week, Tuwaine decided it would be a good idea to remind Friday's plans to Harrison at the dining table, in front of y/n. Tessa sat by her feet under the dining table, the dog's chin resting on the girl's thigh begging for some food even though she had scoffed her dinner down in a second already. "Got your date sorted for Friday?" Tuwaine asked Harrison casually, causing the blonde to stop chewing his food and shoot his friend a slight glare. Tuwaine fixed him a knowing glance back with a mischievous smirk on his full lips.

"No." Harrison said plainly, stabbing his salad a little too aggressively with his fork as he tried his best to keep calm.

"C'mon, man. You can't keep showing up alone." 

"Tuwaine." The blonde was failing at controlling his temper, feeling how he was rapidly losing his cool and sending full-on glares at the tall man in front of him. 

"What's happening on Friday?" She asked, not wanting to be left out of the conversation but also to give Harrison a few seconds to calm down.

"A dinner. Y'know? To keep good relations with the partners." The taller man explained, "And my man right here needs a date for it." Her eyes moved from Tuwaine to Harrison, she saw him clench his jaw before he spoke again.

"I certainly don't, Tuwaine." The blonde man grumbled.

"There's always an empty space next to you at the table, man." Tuwaine pressed, Harrison knew what his friend was trying to do and he hated it for more than one reason.

"I like my personal space." Harrison fought back.

"C'mon, man!" 

"Enough!" Harrison raised his voice causing Tuwaine to close his mouth. "Just shut the fuck up." He gritted his teeth, shooting daggers out of his furious eyes in Tuwaine's way who pressed his lips together nodding his head at his friend before looking down at his own almost empty dinner plate. Y/n watched the scene in silence, her eyes dancing over Harrison's now tense frame regretting what she was thinking, wishing her will wasn't so suddenly weak with the upset man. She knew either him or Tuwaine would leave the table soon, the tension was palpable and for the very first time, she had nothing to do with it. At least that's what she thought.

Not even a minute after that thought crossed her mind, Harrison wiped his mouth with the napkin, dropping it on the table beside his unfinished dinner as he got up, pushing the chair away from him with the back of his knees and stepping out of the dining room without saying a word. As soon as he left Tuwaine let out an exasperated sigh, "So bloody proud, that man." He shook his head and got up. "Y/n?" He said, offering his hand for her to take. Which she did, allowing him to help her up. Quietly both exited the room taking different ways by the foyer, Tuwaine took off to the back garden while y/n turned to enter the kitchen.

"Noel?" She said softly, Noel quickly approached her from the very back of the kitchen abandoning his card game with the rest of the kitchen staff. "What's for pudding?"

"Um, there's fudge cake, miss."

"Can I have some, please?" She asked, watching the young man nod his head and hurry to serve the dessert. He sat the white plate in front of her along with a fork, the tall piece of cake making her mouth water. Y/n smiled at him and took the cake, exiting the kitchen to walk the straight way towards Harrison's office, thinking more about what she was doing the closer she got to the dark wooden doors. For Tom, she kept repeating in her head. Her free hand rose to make her knuckles bang against the wood a couple of times. His muffled voice allowed her in and her sweaty hand pushed the handle down, stepping forward inside the room. "Cake?" She offered, walking closer to his desk without waiting for him to accept or decline. 

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