Chapter 36

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Dustin slammed the door shut and the compound rumbled from force. He took my face between his hands and examined my cheek in extreme scrutiny "Are you okay?"

    My hands slid over his, "I'm fine."

    "Sadie, don't lie to me."

    I couldn't help but laugh, "Dustin, honestly, this is nothing compared to-" I snapped my mouth shut because no matter how I finished that sentence, Dustin would hate himself for it. So I pulled his mouth towards mine and reassured him with a kiss, "I swear, I'm fine."

    "He is lucky you were in there, otherwise I would have killed him." Dustin breathed against me, "I still might if he doesn't learn a lesson from this."

    Perhaps that is why Eli brought me along, because he knew only I could stop Dustin amidst his unruly temper.

    "I am proud of you, Dustin. Walking away took a lot more courage than killing him. I know it doesn't feel like it right now, but it means more than you think." I hugged Dustin tightly and let my body settled into his, "As I tried to tell my father, we have other things to worry about. As long as he is in there, he isn't a danger to anyone but himself. Once everything with the Council is sorted, we can figure out a solution for my father."

    "That is all good and dandy for now, but Sadie," His eyes locked with mine, "If someone ever hits you again, it will never end as passively as it did today."

    I pulled him away from the door to distance us from that negativity, "If that time comes, I won't stop you."

    We started towards the cafeteria where our friends had gathered to discuss a strategy for the Crypt and as we entered, I saw Eli and Toby deep in the kitchen, stuffing their faces with stale poptarts. Toby looked up when I passed by and waved, then returned to whatever discussion he had been holding with Eli who was genuinely enthralled by my brother's conversation.

    The sight of my brother interacting with members of the Tribe was something I feared I may never see, but one that warmed my heart in unfathomable ways. Bringing my brother to the compound has been a dream of mine since I first decided to make this place my home, a dream I refused to share with anyone because I knew it could never become reality. It is too dangerous here for Toby, I did not want his life to end as it has for so many other children who have been caught in the middle of war.

    As selfish as it may sound, I wanted more than that for my brother. He is going to be a doctor and save lives. He can't chase that future if he stays here. And to be honest, I'm not sure any of us have a future if we stay here. Luckily, Toby has more options than the rest of us.

    We approached a table where our friends were huddled together and I was confused to count five heads even though Eli was elsewhere. Lumiere and Erie were perched together, next to Corinth and Brandon, and-

    "Doc?" Dustin's steps faltered, as if he were unsure whether to run or hide or continue his stride.

    When the last head turned to face us, I was surprised to see that it was indeed Doc. But he did not seem at all surprised to see us, even though I was under the impression that he still thought Dustin to be dead. Yet he rose from where he was sitting beside Brandon, wearing the same thin framed glasses and grandfatherly grin as always, and wrapped Dustin into a tentative hug that he couldn't contain but wasn't sure was appropriate or allowed.

    Dustin looked at each of our friends, then back at the elder man in front of him, "I ... I'm sorry, I don't understand."

    Doc stepped back with his hands folded in front of him and nodded towards Lumiere, "He told me, about everything."

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