Breaking Code

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"STOP!" I scream in a blood-curdling voice in agonizing pain. "Where is Skywalker?" I sigh letting tears fall. "I don't know." "YOU DO!" They shock me again making me scream. "TELL US NOW, REBEL!" I gasp for air crying loudly. My bloody stomach aches as each breath fill my lunges. "I'll take the information to my grave." 

The doors glide open to reveal a cloaked figure. They drift over towards me holding their hand above my head. Suddenly I'm sucked back into my hidden past. "No!" I scream as the secrets Han has hidden for years are ripped open in the hands of this sith. 

This coated figure growls down at me before turning to the stormtrooper. "This is the right one. Don't kill her. She might come to her senses before we have to spill her traitor blood on her grandfather's grave." 

My torturer spits in my face and presses a blaster against my head. "Do it. Come on. DO IT!" I cry in his face. I close my eyes as he fixes his finger on the trigger, but darkness never occurs. Instead, his head drops from his neck and in the doorway was my Mandalorian wielding my weapon.

I smile at him, my perception blurring. Mando walks over unfastening my wrist. I place my hand on his helmet where his cheeks would be. "You came back." I gasp at him shocked. Mando nods firmly. "For you." I glance down at the little green creature in his arms. "And the child." 

"Now come on. We're leaving." Mando places me on the ground softly. "Can you walk?" I approve, winding my sore ankles. "I can manage."


Mando wanted to so badly lift this woman into his arms and never let go. He's never been so happy someone wasn't lifeless, but Aria Solo is exceptional, and the Mandalorian knew this. He can't wipe the dumb smile off his face as she holds onto his cape for more assistance.

The 3 come to be enclosed by stormtroopers with blasters directed at them. "Give it up. There's nowhere to go. Hey! Freeze! Don't move."

"Wait. What I'm holding is very valuable." Mando places the baby on the ground as well as pull Aria to the low terrain. "Watch out," Mando says before light blue missiles fly throughout the room and killing the enemies.

Making the way out wasn't the hardest part. Once in the open member of the guild surround them. "Welcome back, Mando! Now put the packages down." Aria fastens onto Mando's arm.

"Step aside. I'm going to my ship."

"You put the bounties down and perhaps I'll let you pass."

"The kid and Aria are coming with me."

If you truly care about her and the kid, then you'll put them on the speeder and we'll discuss terms." Aria shakes her head tightening her grip. Mando turns to her seeing the fear in her eyes.

"How do I know we can trust you?"  "Because I'm your only hope."

Mando sets the chid in Ara's arms then lifts her to lay in the speeder. "Drive. Drive!"

The speeder begins to move but soon crashes getting away a full 4 feet. Mando flips in the speeder next to Aria and shoots his rifle making his enemies disintegrate.

"Mando... I don't feel good." Aria says with a shaky voice. Her stomach is now overflowing with crimson blood. "No, listen you need to hold on." "I-I can't." Mando takes a second to hold her cheek. "I need you to survive. Please, Aria, hold on." But her eyes flutter shut as shade takes over her.

Mando's temper wins over as he shoots at everything in his path until they begin to overpower his strength.

Fire starts out from the opposing direction and quickly the clan of Mandalorian is on-site fighting the Guild off.  "Get out of here! We'll hold them off!" Mando shoots another guild member. 

"You're going to have to relocate the covert."

The other Mandalorian nods in agreement. "This is the Way."

Mando nods, "This is the way." He shovels Aria and the child in his arms working to near his ship. He lays Aria on the ground of the ship looking at her injuries worried. He's never seen this much suffering and damage; not even on himself.

He rushes to get something to halt the bleeding but Greef Carga catches him. "Hold it, Mando. I didn't want it to come to this. But then you broke the Code."  He pulls his blaster out, but Mando is faster and shoots him off the ship. Mando takes off quickly getting far enough away to put the ship into autopilot.

Mando lifts Aria again and takes her to a table to dress her wounds. As he cleans them she gasps lightly, awake from her rest. "I'm sorry." Aria sways her head. "Where am I?" Aria looks up finding Mando above her. 

"Mando?" She asks laying her hand where his cheek would be. "Did we make it?" Mando smiles under his helmet. "Yes, Aria. We did it." She grins resting her head. "Thank you for coming back." Mando smiles at her tired eyes and nods treating her many wounds. "I'll always come back for you."

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