Chapter 4: Friend or Foe?

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Two more days of training passed that I spent carefully observing the girl from the arena. She still remained under the nurse's care, but I didn't have time to check on her recovery often since I had my own training with the Dauntless-born to attend. If I was consistent, I hoped Eric's anger against me would wane over time. My efforts didn't seem to have much of an effect, but he didn't confront me again.

Early in the morning, someone entered my room and shone a flashlight into my face. I jolted up in bed, instinctively grabbing a dagger from beside my pillow and releasing it with a flick of my wrist. The knife flew past the figure's face, nearly skimming their cheek before lodging in the door behind them.

My vision suddenly cleared when I recognized Four's grunt of surprise.

I groaned and fell back onto my bed, "Ugh, I missed."

"Ha, ha," he laughed sarcastically and returned the flashlight to my eyes. I blinked violently and raised my hand to block its beam. "Get up and come with me. I'll give you a minute to get ready." He then left the room and stood outside the door to wait for me.

I always slept fully clothed in case of similar situations, so I only needed to grab my flashlight and a few knives. One I placed in a scabbard fastened around my arm's left bicep, two were secured on each of my thighs, and a final was hidden inside my boot. After I finished equipping myself, I grabbed my black open palm gloves. As I passed through the door, I wrenched the knife out of the wood and placed it in a scabbard on my belt for good measure.

"What's going on?" I asked Four as we walked hurriedly through the halls.

"Just a little capture the flag."

Once we arrived at the train tracks, Four left me to go talk with Eric, so I distracted myself by observing my surroundings. Both the transfers and Dauntless-born were gathered together, but they seemed confused as they talked with each other while waiting for whatever was coming next. I tightened the straps of my gloves around my hands and wiggled my fingers to settle them comfortably.

It wasn't long before we heard the train traveling down the tracks. Its speed was fast and constant, but I was able to run beside it and grab the door handle to pull myself inside. The inside of the train car already held most of the Dauntless and I watched as more initiates succeeded in pulling themselves aboard. Not far in front of me, Four stood surveying the crowd. After looking back out the open door, however, his gaze remained fixed on a running figure. I stared at the sprinter as they struggled to catch up, and after a moment, I realized it was the girl from the arena.

She continued to run, gradually coming closer and closer to the open door. Four extended his arm out the opening for her to grab and he easily pulled her inside the car. She was deeply winded after the difficult exercise but barely showed any hints that she had recently been injured and subjected to recovery. Impressive.

"Who let you out?" Eric asked with a scowl on his face. He clearly felt as if his orders had been disobeyed.

She answered bravely, "I did."

"You did," he looked at her a moment with a glare that made my whole body tense, but no lighting fell to strike her dead. "Okay," he suddenly said and walked away.

Four and I exchanged a look of disbelief. "I half expected him to throw her off the train," I whispered to him.

He nodded slightly to acknowledge me, but his mind was set on his job. He stepped forward to the middle of the train car to explain the rules. "The game's simple; it's like capture the flag," Four announced, dropping two heavy cloth rolls onto the floor of the car.

"Weapon of choice," Eric unraveled a roll and took out one of the guns inside, holding it up for the group to see. It was a small design, almost like the hollowed out sticks I had used to launch peas at my teachers when I was younger.

Devotion (Four/Theo Eaton x OC) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now