Chapter 22

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Warren's P.O.V.


My anger took over all my senses in that moment and it almost felt like I was back in East Berlin. Like it was just another cage-fight that I was determined to win. In my mind, Cassidy wasn't in front of me, it was just me and Peter, standing alone in the arena. I grabbed tightly onto his neck as he pleaded for me to let go. However, I blocked his cries out of my mind and tightened my hold on him.

"Who's not good enough now, huh?!" I snarled at him

Before I could do anything else, I felt Jean enter my mind and everything went blank. Jean made me release my hold on Cassidy as I slowly flapped my wings, lowering myself down to the ground.

"Holy shit, Cassidy"

"I-I'm OK"

"I can't believe he did that to you"

"It does look pretty bad"

"What are you guys talking about?"

Everyone's voices were beginning to blend together. I was snapped out of my trance by a sharp one coming from right in front of me.

"Warren!" Wolverine barked "Professor X's office, with me! NOW!"

I nodded and hung my head low, slowly following after him. I didn't know what had come over was like I completely lost control. I had been trying to stay away from Cassidy for that exact reason, to prevent something like this from happening. I should have never allowed myself to get close to her. I knew I would only end up hurting her, and that's exactly what I did. Why couldn't I have been an asshole and pushed her away?

The rest of the voices were drowned out as Wolverine and I exited the training center. The walk to Professor X's office seemed to last an eternity. I knew that my chances of staying at the mansion were not looking good and I was preparing myself for the worst. What I hated most was the thought that I won't ever get to tell Cassidy none of this was her fault. She did everything she could to try and help, but not even she could save me.

When we finally arrived, Professor X called for me to come in before Wolverine even knocked on the door. I reluctantly headed in and was met with a surprisingly calm Charles Xavier.

"Please sit down, Warren" He said and gestured to the chair across from his

I did as he said, but I could tell I was about to break down at any moment, so my entire body was tense.

"Why did you do that to Cassidy, Warren?" He asked, already knowing exactly what happened just seconds ago

"I-I don't know" I avoided his eyes, looking down at my hands instead, "I guess I just snapped. I never meant to hurt Cassidy, but a part of me just lost it. I kept seeing Peter's face and suddenly, I was back in East Berlin and-" My voice was shaky, unsteady and full of nerves and suppressed anger. Thankfully, the Professor decided to stop me in my rambling.

"Calm down," Professor X said soothingly as he saw my metal wings start to tense even more. He looked deep in thought as we sat in silence for a few moments. "I want to tell you something, Warren. Cassidy cares for you so much, more than you can even begin to imagine. She loves you."

My eyes widened at his words. We hadn't told each other that yet, but I didn't doubt him for a second.

"All she wants is for you to be happy. That is what Cassidy has done for her whole life, try to make everyone else happy. Since we lost her mother..." He took a deep breath "she hasn't been the same. She's been trying to find the same happiness that she makes others feel every day. And you give her that, Warren. You give her the happiness she needs. You may believe that you need her, but she needs you just as much. You were making such good progress and now this all of a sudden. Of course, Peter didn't help, but he will learn to move on with time. The words he says are fueled by jealousy and anger. You can't listen to him when he gets like that-" This time, I cut him off

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