Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three


I hadn't seen Sam all morning. Usually I spot him in the parking lot or sitting against the lockers with Dallas and Troye. But I didn't. So I checked the library. And the cafeteria. And I checked the boy's bathroom, and even asked Dylan. There was no sign of him, and that scared the shit out of me.

After yesterday's episode, I was more worried than ever. Sam's wolf didn't seem like he was leaving anytime soon, meaning he was about to royally screw himself over. I was just praying he didn't have any STDs by now.

So I did the only thing that I could. I waited until sixth period, and when Dallas and Troye came strolling in with unexplainable somber expressions, I knew I had to ask.

"Has anyone seen Mr. Powers today?" I asked the class after attendance, trying to seem like a concerned teacher and not a frantic obsessed stalker. I noticed Dallas and Troye exchange a look of woe.

So when everyone shook their heads, I tried again. "No one?"

Troyes stomach filled up with air before he turned and faced me.

"Sam... Sam left for California."

Confusion ached my chest. "Like for vacation or something?" I probed, my tone more urgent and demanding and frankly confused as hell.

Troye swallowed. "No. No he's gonna be gone for a while. We don't know when he's coming home."

I didn't even blink. All I did was turn around, pack up my things and head for the door.

"Mr. Rush where are you going?!"

"Emergency. Someone tell the office I have to go," I muttered, struggling to shrug my jacket onto my shoulders.

"I really wouldn't, Rush," Dallas' threatening tone called from behind me as a warning. I didn't even turn back, I only responded as I pushed the door open, my mind already made up.

"Oh, I really would."

And then I was sprinting down the senior hallway and out the back door to the parking lot, everything seemingly a blur. I don't even remember starting my car or pulling out of the lot or driving 50 miles above the speed limit towards Idaho Falls Regional Airport, the closest airport to Lakeview. I just prayed that's where he was.

His name was the only thing circling my mind, the only thing that wasn't a blur. His name and his smile and the way he made me feel like the only person in the room. The way his eyes seemed to follow me and mine follow him, both of us oblivious to anyone and anything but each other. He was the only person in the world I had ever trusted. The only person I had ever been intimate with. The only person whose happiness mattered more than my own.

It was love... all of it.

And as selfish as it sounds, there was no way in hell he was leaving me. He couldn't. After last night I knew I couldn't just let him go. Even if he couldn't admit it, or didn't want to, we belonged to each other. We kept each other sane.

Hence the reason I somehow found myself standing at the front desk of the domestic flights center at IFRA, a sweet young looking black lady staring at me wide brown eyes and very pink eye shadow.

"Sir, I said can I help you?"

I shook my head out of its trance and took a step forward.

"Uh, yeah, do you happen to have a list of flights to LAX that are taking off in the next--" I paused to check my watch, remembering that Troye had yelled something about Sam leaving at 12 as I rushed out the door. "Half hour or so?" I finished, a pleading look on my face. Tina, as her nametag said, gave me a look with pursed lips and a bit of an eye roll.

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