Welcome to Savannah

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Once the train reaches Savannah, the group abandons the train and make their way into the deserted city, the atmosphere was tense as the group walked through the street with their weapons in hand, eyes peeled for any walkers or unfriendly people.

With Omid injured, the group had to walk at a slow pace so he could keep up with them, much to Kenny's disliking, who kept insisting they speed this up.

Y/N takes note of all the discarded trash and newspapers left out on the road before approaching a big house with a gate, realising the house looked empty he carries on walking.

Clementine walks aside Lee and sees the walkie talkie strapped to his belt. "Can't I just hold it?" She asks him, Lee just looks at her disappointed and carries on. Just yesterday he and Kenny found out Clementine's walkie talkie works and she was talking to a stranger, saying how he had her parents with him, sick bastard was influencing her to come to him. "Just for a little while? We're getting really close to where my mom and dad are, maybe I can--"

"Not now, Clementine. Right now I need you to focus and keep your attention on the street." Lee tells her and turns to Y/N. "Same goes for you as well." He tells him.

"Sure Lee." Y/N says loading up his revolver.

"How's Omid?" Lee asks.

"His leg's hurt pretty bad." Christa replies.

"I'm fine." Omid insists as Christa frowns. "You're not fine, you need to rest." Christa tells him and turns to Lee. "He needs to stop and rest up."

"Kenny, how much further to the river front?" Lee asks as Kenny looks back. "Should be just a few more blocks up ahead." Kenny replies quitely.

"Will there be boats there?" Christa asks. "Sure as hell better be..." Lee says. "There'll be boats. Have to be, have to be." Kenny says holding out hope, they could do with some right now.

"I trust Kenny. If he says there's boats, there's boats." Y/N says, giving Kenny some reassurance and hope. "Me too." Clementine chimes in smiling.

Just then, the Church bells start to chime as the group halts to a stop. "What the hell...?" Ben asks, confused as everyone looks around. Lee looks at the Church roof and sees the big bell moving from side to side.

"Maybe this city's not so dead after all..." Christa remarks. "Keep moving. No one's ringing that bell, it's automatic, on a timer." Kenny tells them as Lee looks at his watch on his left wrist.

"What kind of church bell goes off at twenty past the hour?" Lee asks him, before Kenny could respond, Lee looks up at the church and sees someone running across the roof and jumping down on the opposite side. "Someone's up there!" Lee exclaims.

"Are you sure? I don't see anything." Ben asks him. "I know what I saw. I'm telling you it was someone, the one messing with the bells." Lee explains before they hear static coming from the radio.

"If I were you, I'd get out of the street. Now." A voice warns them before ending the call.

"I thought you said that thing didn't work." Christa asks, Lee doesn't reply and presses the button to speak back. "Who the hell is this?! Hello? Hello? I said answer me!" Lee exclaims, getting no reply and only static.

The group look at Lee in worry, now realising that there was someone out there who knew of their presence here. Now, there was no hiding.

"What the hell was that? Is someone trying to fuck with us?" Omid asks. "Sounded more like a warning..." Ben says nervously as Chuck looked back behind them.

"Ask not for whom the bell tolls...." Chuck says as Kenny turns to him. "What are you yammerin' on about?" Kenny asks as everyone turns around and sees a big group of walkers making their way over to you. "It tolls for thee..." Chuck finishes.

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