Chapter 58

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The next day early morning we left for the beach. I had to peel Zarine off his bed since the bus was scheduled at 5:30 am in the morning.

It was a good thing that I packed the previous day.

It was a 5 hour drive.

The pup still used my oversized hoodie to sleep in and he still climbed in to sleep next to me on my bed yesterday night.

He is like that annoying sister you have. One that you don't particularly like but are forced to love.

I did walk in on him trying some of his new clothes though. And some of the pairings... man.

The kid sure had a strong fashion sense. He could even teach Blaze and Jason a thing or two. I was sure he would grow very popular among the girls.

I had texted everyone in the group yesterday that I will be taking a plus one, Zarine with me. Everyone seemed to understand. There were no objections.

Everyone else was on time and thanks to Stacey's nagging, 15 minutes early.

I had Blaze to thank for her not being able to reach my wing. Her squeaky high-pitched voice is not what I want to wake up to. I have to give it up for Drake.

Despite the tear fest yesterday, she looked as cheerful and bright as her usual chipmuncky self.

No one would guess the girls was crying her eyes out the previous day.

Even she has it tough. Geez.

Zarine was greeted with obvious interest from the group. As I predicted Stacey and Amelia gushed over him. Even Raven looked interested even if she was trying hard to hide it. Zarine is too cute.

Jason and Jake discussed strategies to make a man out of him.

Both of them got whacked on the head by Stacey.

Besides I can make a man out of them better than two those two wusses ever could.

Hails and Drake were interested him only thanks to their mates. And Hails even seemed a bit hostile since all of Amelia's attention was on him.

Zarine was unnaturally shy throughout the whole encounter though.

He would say glued to my thighs if Jason didn't peel him off. The kid was short for his height but it made him extra cute.

All their laughter and chatter was starting to bug me, so I slowly slipped away, fully aware of Hail's suspicious eyes following me.

I didn't mind as long as I could connect with Lexi to know what's happening in the vampire world. And working on Lexa. I was really close to finishing her update. Sam would be pleased.

Of course I wasn't careless enough to let anyone see what I was up to. It would probably look like was that kid who was on their phone and rudely chatted despite being in a group. It would probably look suspicious though. Since all my known friends circle were around.

As soon as the bus showed up we all piled in. And since we were first we got to choose the seats.

Middle seats would most probably be occupied by Jocks. And the squad will follow Jason to the front.

As soon as they settled in I scooted to the back. I didn't care about Jason shouting 'Hey.'

Zarine got wedged between Jason and Jake with Amelia and Hails behind them and Drake and Stacey in the front. The poor kid didn't look comfortable at all. But his squeamishness looked hilarious to me.

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