chapter 25~

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My story is getting boring and I am out of Ideas. I am extremely grateful to those who read and enjoyed my story. 😂❤️❤️❤️

I'll give my characters halfassed HAppy endings.


At this time Lilia/Anna let go of her fear, past grudges, resolved her childish ways and immature mentality. Due to her positive change the main characters noticed her and decided to follow along and change for the better.

Anna thought 'Wow all I do is criticize others and blame them for my problems. My ego is so big and I act as if i'm better than everyone else. I am always paranoid and act extremely disrespectful. Instead of empathizing and trying to understand others I just act conceited and label them as "dumb 2d characters" or "brainwashed mobs" because I am to afraid to accept reality. This kind of behavior is toxic and harmful to my own well being. My cynical out look of life affected me in many ways, just look at how many friends I have! Zero. After like 3 lifetimes I had little to no personal growth. I should be more positive, friendly, work hard to become a better person and take responsibility for my actions.'

Iris glanced at the plain brown haired girl (anna) and then Iris stared at her intently until it finally dawned on her  'Everyone has feelings and its better to talk it out rather than live in the past and hold on to grudges. Living for revenge is plain stupid. I have to move on with my life instead of dedicating my life to ruining someone elses. I acted so impulsively blinded by revenge and resentment. Will I ever be satisfied with that? The hardest thing to do is to forgive. I'll work hard to become a better person, be more humane, positive and take responsibility for my actions.'

As Anna was walking through the corridor on the 3rd floor holding a stack of heavy papers she passed by Charlotte. 

Charlotte noticed her and thought 'wow that looks heavy. But since I am so self centered, selfish, hypocritical, stupid, green tea bitch I do not  care, it isn't my job to help others.' 

Suddenly a stone brick was thrown through the window. On it was a paper with the word "compassion" 

'NaNi? W-what is that. C-c-compassion?'

The window was shattered and the sun was shining extremely bright.

She opened her eyes framed by her long eyelashes. And finally it dawned on her 'Oh no. I acted very impulsively, selfishly and hurt my sister. I was so naive and blinded by this transient infatuation. It was completely idiotic to act upon feelings that I had towards my sister's finace.  I should have some human decency. I'll work hard to become a better person and take responsibility for my actions.'

"Excuse me, do you need any help?" Said the enlightened Charlotte. 

"Ah-yes of course. Thank you very much!" said Anna with a bright grin on her face.

This was the start of a beautiful friendship.

Eventually Charlotte and Iris made up and became best friends. Apparently they had a lot in common. Charlotte and Anna were very good friends. Anna wasn't as close to Iris but they were still friendly.

 Iris annulled her engagement and found a very loyal, handsome, funny, caring man. They married in march and opened a family restaurant. She gave birth to a girl. They later on moved to a mansion near the ocean. Their restaurant was extremely popular and they were well off. Iris used her wisdom of so many past experiences and became a very successful well established author. 

Charlotte started to draw and found her passion as an artist. She became very well known and successful. Charlotte went to a coffee shop and  happened to a meet a loyal, handsome, funny, caring man. They married in june and had 2 kids one boy and one girl. They moved in to a mansion next to her sisters. They were neighbors and their kids were good playmates. 

Anna decided to live life to the fullest. She traveled around the world and became a famous blogger. She met a loyal, handsome, funny, caring man. They married in September  and had 1 boy. They later on got a puppy and a parrot. They were a middle class family.

Charlotte, Anna and Iris were very good friends and their kids were also friends.

Iris's ex fiance changed for the better and married a good girl and they had a very happy family.

All of them lived long, happy, fulfilling lives. 


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