Part 18

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

Keith paced around the room, clenching his fists and throwing constant glances at the body hidden in the healing pod.

Beep. Beep.

Keith could not have held it together if it wasn't for that heartbeat. On second thought, he might not be doing so great even now. The skin on his palms burned red with the intensity with which he pushed his fingernails into it, his lips had been torn open by his anxious teeth.

It had been nearly thirty six hours since they got back. Thirty six hours since he'd watched Lance bleed to death in his arms. Thirty six hours, and the boy in the pod looked so much more healthy. The bruises had all disappeared, and only the rips in the abdomen part of his black undersuit showed where the knife had...

He shivered again, turning around to approach the pod for the hundredth time. He'd never thought Lance could be so quiet. He'd never thought he'd despise the silence.

The Cuban boy looked way too vulnerable like this, and Keith couldn't take it. He wanted to hear him talk so loudly again, he wanted to hear him laugh at one of his own obnoxious jokes, he wanted to see him brag about every little victory. Hell, he'd even enjoy seeing Lance flirt with every single alien they encountered at this point.

But most of all, Keith wanted Lance to look at him like that again. Like before Keith had so stupidly confessed his love. He sighed and buried his head in his hands, sinking down to the ground beside Lance.

How dare the boy just risk himself so recklessly? Keith couldn't blame him for getting tortured by Condo, nor for getting stabbed. But even before that, Lance had been incredibly impulsive, irresponsible. That was Keith's job, to do stupid things.

All of this had nearly pulled Keith's mind away from what had been one of the most embarrassing moments of his life. Lance knew about his idiotic crush. Lance knew. Was that why he threw himself into battle like that? Was it because he was angry? He had sounded angry, saying something like 'how dare you assume you know my feelings' or 'you don't care about me because you're too lonely.' Keith didn't remember exactly, he wasn't good with words like that.

But when Lance had said it, it had definitely had meaning. Lance had sounded so serious. If Keith remembered correctly, Lance wasn't really mad that Keith liked him, but more about something along the lines of him storming out without waiting for a reaction. Was it so bad that he didn't want to be humiliated even further by letting Lance reject him in the middle of their friends?

His eyes shot up when he saw movement, somehow believing Lance had moved, but it was merely the reflection of someone entering the room behind him. Keith didn't turn around.

"Keith," came Shiro's voice. The man's footsteps stopped beside him, a soft, reassuring touch on Keith's shoulder. "It might take him a while longer. Maybe you should-"

"I'm not going anywhere," Keith replied quickly. Shiro had come to ask him before, saying he should eat or go to bed or whatever. But no, Keith needed to wait here. It was his fault Lance nearly died, and he would wait with him until the boy was back to normal.

"I thought you'd say that." Shiro lay a full plate on his lap, and set a glass down beside him. "But you should at least eat a little. You'll be no good to Lance if you've starved to death by the time he wakes up."

Keith opened his mouth to argue, but found himself empty of proper reasons to deny. Maybe Shiro did have a point there. He started eating whatever Hunk had made, something that looked incredibly untasteful but turned out to be pretty good. He felt Shiro sit down next to him, but only looked up at Lance. They sat side by side for a while, the only sound being Keith's soft chewing.

"I'm sorry," Shiro eventually said. Keith meant to respond, but had just taken a rather big bite, and Shiro continued before he could ask what the fuck he meant.

"I should have payed better attention, I led the entire team into a trap. I know there was physically not much I could do, but I should never have left you and Lance alone when they dragged us away. I am your team leader, which means I am responsible for each and everyone of the paladins. Lance getting hurt is my fault. I am sorry." He looked up at Lance, the guilt nearly tangible in his voice.

"I should have known Lance might let his emotions cloud his judgement. I should have made you two talk everything out before sending us all on this stupid mission." He sighed and rubbed his eyes. The darkness around them showed that this had not been easy for him either.

Keith finally swallowed his food, took a sip of milk and turned to Shiro in indignation. "You're being ridiculous. None of this is your fault. It's mine. I was the one stupid enough to talk about my... my.." He pulling his knees up in frustration, unable to say the words 'feelings' or 'crush' or even 'love'. "He only got t- hurt because I wouldn't do what Condo said. And he nearly died because I wasn't able to save him."

And then he couldn't stop the rest of the words tumbling out. It was too much, too many things at once. Keith usually kept it to himself, but Shiro was the only person he could tell anything. He needed to get it out.

"It was all my fault, Shiro," he said, his voice raspy and louder than before. "Do you have any idea what it was like to watch him in pain and not do anything about it? I should have defended him! I should have saved him!" His eyes glaced over with held back tears, his fingers clenched around the fabric of his red jacket, pulled over the bodysuit he still hadn't changed out of.

"He hates me for what I did, Shiro! He called me selfish and dramatic for telling him how I felt. And then he got- And I thought I'd never be able to say how sorry I am. How sorry I am for ruining everything between us."

Shiro tried to cut him off, when his voice broke in a huccip, tears finally streaking down his cheeks "Keith-" But Keith didn't let him, now turning his gaze towards the older man as if he'd only just seen him, glad to have found another person to blame beside himself. "And you made me say it! I told you how I felt about him in confidence and then you pushed me to confess. You made him hate me!"

He pushed against Shiro's chest, but Shiro didn't push him back. His just took hold of Keith's wrists and pulling him into a hug, the plate clattering to the ground between them. Keith struggled for a moment longer, until he fell against Shiro, sobbing deeply, his body shivering in pain and sadness and guilt and so much exhaustion.

"Shhh," Shiro cooed, stroking a strong, metal hand over Keith's back, holding him close. "It's going to be okay, Keith. Lance is okay." Keith cried and cried, until the tears stopped, and his body only shook against Shiro's. Eventually, a long time later, even that silent movement seized and he fell asleep, the days of extreme emotions, physical exertion and unbearable waiting taking him over completely, pulling him into the warm darkness.


Heyya guys!
A very soft chapter for you to calm down after all the pain and hurt I put you through (though still very angsty because I'm am the literal devil). I hope you enjoyed it, you can show me by voting on this chapter or maybe leaving a comment; I love hearing your reactions! I'm still trying to update regularly (thank you to that one person asking me to update today, this chapter is written thanks to you), and I'm pretty sure I can keep it somewhat regular. We've had most of the pain by now, mostly soft shit left (though still angst I'm I righttt).
I wish you all my love,


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