Ch. 54- Wanna Smash?

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Kurogiri's POV

The feeling coursing through my body as two officers uncuffed me was an indescribably mesh of happiness, relief and nervousness. On one hand, I was free, on the other, I would have to live with heroes, and be on the run from All For One as he may find out..

"Kurogiri- uh... is your name really just Kurogiri? No given name?" The officer mandating my position called out.

"Yes, sir."

"Huh...well, anyways, Kurogiri, you're free to go." He says and the interrogation room door opens, a seperate officer walking behind me to lead me out. As I walked into the brightening room, I see Aizawa in the corner of it all. With a stare of indifference, he walks over to me.

"Officer, I'll take him from here."

"Whatever you say, sir. Just be careful and have a safe ride home." He waves goodbye and heads back through the door. I turn my head to look back to Aizawa, and his cold stare was gone.. he was staring at me with such warmth and cordiality, it was like I was staring at someone completely different. It made me feel safe.

"Welcome back, Kurogiri. You'll be happy to know the league is safe in our hands and are doing just fine. They'll be happy to have you back." He says with a small smile plastered on his face as we step out of the grey, cement building that held nothing but cold and soulless resolve.

"Thank you very much for this, Eraserhead. I don't know how I could ever repay you for doing this for me... for us." I have no mouth, so I can't smile, but the corners of my eyes do lift.

"You don't need to repay us anything. As heroes, it's our job to help the victims of any sort of crime." He leads me to a car and we quickly sit in it. It was soft and warm, also smelling like lavender leather.

"By the way, sorry for the scar on your cheek, Eraser."

"It's alright. Also, just call me Aizawa."

"..Whatever you say, Aizawa-"

...the name rolling off my tongue felt like poison. Familiar poison. His name. Him in general. Such familiar poison. So bitter yet so sweet...


..ah, yes, that. I can't believe I nearly forgot.

I need to tell Aizawa. And Yamada... Kayama too. It wouldn't be right to have this kept secret from them. My closest friends... if they saw how far I'd fallen... the shame would be indescribable.

I can't even begin to fathom their reactions.


"Most of the kids are here in the 1-A dorms. Some are out at the mall right now with the league, but they'll be back shortly." Aizawa led me through the courtyard of UA, guard completely down. It's almost as if he completely trusts me.

"I see."


The rest of our short walk was drenched in silence after the short exchange. For him it may have been comfortable, but the only thing I was able to see was the falling of debris... the look on Aizawa's face. The pure fear felt in that moment. The pressure of it all weighed down on me, and even though I was able my composure, my heart was breaking.

While You Were Busy Being Heterosexual, We Studied The Blade. (BNHA Chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now