Chapter 34

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"Are you okay now Bill?"

Dipper asked after Bill had finally finished his rambling and had stayed silent while still hugging him.

He then felt movement and the tight hug that Bill had him in had now loosened.

Bill silently floated away from him and he was now face to face with the demon.

Bill's eye were closed so Dipper didn't know what was going on with Bill and he was beginning to panic.

'Oh no no no no, what did I do!? Is Bill mad? Please don't tell me his now going to break his own deal and kill me!'

Eyes wide and panicking, Dipper didn't know what to do. Then a low chuckle erupted from Bill.

He looked at Bill who now opened his eye and saw that the demon was absolutely literally glowing with happiness and the low chuckle turned into a full blown laughter full of emotions.

Bill looked like he was currently the happiest being on the Earth right now as he continued with his laughter.

Dipper quickly backed off from Bill and scanned his eyes for places where he could hide if Bill continued his insanity fit, as Dipper think it is.

'Damn it, with how Bill acted earlier as my teacher I freaking forgot that he was insane as can be'

Dipper cursed, he then looked around again in slight surprise as the rips in the dream begun to be fixed again.

"-hahahaha. That was the most emotional thing i've done for a long time! Well job Pinetree. Now then continue on with practicing the spell and forget about my little outbreak earlier. You'll experience more of those, trust me"

Dipper's face paled at the thought of going to experience more of those insanity fits but he decided to bite the bullet since Bill teaching him about magic in advance was too important. Plus Bill didn't hurt him in the demon's insanity fit so it should be alright.

Dipper then continued to practice the spell until he had managed to do it without any difficulties within a short amount of time.

Bill told Dipper to rest up and the boy was reluctantly to agree, wanting to practice more but Bill told him that he wouldn't have any energy tomorrow if he didn't rest. So Dipper decided to follow Bill's advice.

When Dipper woke up feeling refreshed and eager at his bedroom, he practically jumped out of his bed with laughter in his lips.

This action successfully woken up Mabel who was still half in dream land.

"Wha wa dip? Is it morn or what?"

Mabel groaned before rubbing her eyes.

Dipper excitedly looked at Mabel and he almost blurted out that he was exited about today's magic training, when he covered his mouth just in time.

'I can't tell her about the magic training today or else she'll be suspicious how I found out about it'

Dipper told himself before trying to figure out an excuse as to why he was currently looking like he was in a sugar rush.

"Mabel I just have a good feeling that something amazing will happen today!"

Mabel squinted at him then seeing that Dipper was serious, she quickly woke up from her sleepiness induced daze and begun to whoop and cheer himself.

The twins begin to laugh and cheer, with one knowing full well why and the other just for the heck of it.


Time moved too torturously slowly for Dipper, but when the bell rung indicating the start of the final subject and the subject that Dipper was most looking forward too, he practically jumped at his sit.

"Dipper what are you high on?"

Glenn's question was followed up by her pained yelp and grumble as Claude hit her hard on the head by a book.

Dipper tilted his head in confusion not knowing what the female senior was talking about.

He turned to Claude for some explanation but the man just gave his usual polite smile and Dipper decided to just let it go. Because judging from the Icy look that Claude gave Glenn earlier, it must something bad.

"Dip dop thinks that something fun will happen at today's magic training!"

Mabel butted in as she plopped a lollipop in her mouth.

Dipper look incredulously at the lollipop then back at Mabel.

His twin grinned at him and showned him that the lollipop was in a pink color.

"Hehe I got it from Cuon as a present! He was really nice and gave me lots of them"

He wanted to ask if it was safe to eat those lollipops when Claude told him that Cuon gives handmade lollipops to students who were nice. And by that, he means that Cuon gives lollipop only to a very few handful of students.

"Yeah! I get a ton somethings too. Last time he gave a pineapple flavored ones"

Reed proudly said as he took out his P.E. uniform from his backpack.

"But we all better get change now before Professor Ward enters. He always give us 10 minutes before he enters to make sure we all have changed into our P.E. uniforms"

All of them agreed with Reeds reminder and they separated by gender to enter their respective locker rooms to change.

After changing their clothes, they entered the class together and sat for another minute before Gercias entered.

With a stern expression as always, he barked out at everyone to be on the field immediately.

Dipper looked at the now familiar (thanks to Bill) field and he oddly didn't feel nervous about the magic training he was going to undergo.

When all where accounted for, Gercias told all of them to group together and for the three first year students to come in front.

Dipper felt nervous and uneasy under the scrutinizing eyes of the Professor yet he did his best not to fidget.

"All three of you will now join in magic training. I trust that all of you should know how things should work considering all the classes that we've had by now"

Him, Mabel and Stephen nodded silently. Gercias gave them a grunt of confirmation before calling over Claude.

"Frosthaven, guide this students this time. By 4:30 I want each of them to present to me how much they have learned"

Claude bowed to Gercias with respect and gave the three students a brief polite smile before looking back at the Professor.

"I would be glad to do it Professor Ward"

Gercias gave Claude a nod of satisfaction before going near the other students and instructing(yelling) them at how to do things right.

Dark Magic Academy Mayhem - Billdip (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now