chapter 6

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Hannah's P.O.V

"Dad!" I yelled."what!?" He yelled back. "Can we go and eat somewhere?" I asked walking down the stairs. "Sure where do you want to go?" "Hmm lemmie think" "okay tell me when your ready" I nodded and went back to my room.

*At McDonald's*
Omg these fries are soo good! I thought to my self as I ate my fries. "Daddy I want a frappe please?!" He looked at me weirdly. "Uh...sweetie you already had two" "but daddy they are soooo good" I said dragging the 'o' out longer than necessary. "Ronnie give the girl a frappe she whines to much" max said. I pouted and stuck my tongue out at him he did the same. "Fine but only one got it young lady?" Dad said. "Maybe" I said a little to sassy. "Here go get it" I took the money and went to order. "Can I get 2 large mocha frappes please." "Sure that will be 10.50 please." (A/N I dont know how much they cost lol continue reading)

I gave him a fifty dollar bill."keep the change" he smiled and thanked me like 20 times. As I waited someone bumped into me."watch where your goin-" I stopped when I saw who it was. Charlotte. She looked scared for a second but smirked at me. "Well well well if it isn't the slut." She said. "I think you got your roles mixed. You see your the slut and im the girl with an actual life." She flared her nostrils and turned red. "You bitch!" She screeched. "Yea I am a bitch just not yours" Haha burn bitch I thought to my self. She turned an ugly shade of red. Before I could react she slaped me. My face jerked to the side. I looked up laughing. "Do you really think that hurt?" I asked her still laughing. She stomped her foot and slaped me again. I continued to laugh. When I sobered up I punched her and she fell on her ass nose bleeding. I turned and walked away grabbing my frappes of course "lets go dad" "what happened? Why is your face red? Is that a hand print? Are yo-" I cut him off and told him every thing after that we went home.

Heyy peepz I updated early I know shocking but I had nothing better to do ya hoped you liked it anyways cya!

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