The Quiet One

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Season 8, episode 6.

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"Ugh, waking me up in the middle of the night and expecting I'll be ready in five-" Y/n came running into the training area of the monastery, wearing her black gi with her hood up. What she first saw were 4 boys, three in black gi's - her teammates - and one in pajamas, laying on top of each other.

"Ah, the sleeping beauty has awaken." Cole teased, earning a huff from Y/n.

"It's the middle of the night for the First Spinjitzu's Master's sake."

"Stop!" Sensei Wu barged in, standing behind the girl.

She quickly turned around and spoke in unison with the others, "Yes, Sensei."

Pajama man was confused, "Wait a minute, they're your students too?" He asked, making Wu nod. "This was my final test, wasn't i-?" Porcupine got cut off by Jay.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! You never said anything about a fifth. It's always three. Three Blind Mice. Three Musketeers. Three—" 

"Four. 'You never said anything about a fifth' and then starts listing trio's." Y/n scowled.

"Uh, what Jay's trying to say, Sensei Wu, is that four of us have trained together. We're solid." Cole explained.

"Didn't look so solid to me." Pajama man smirked, before turning to Y/n, "I haven't seen anything from you yet, so I'm not judging ya." 

"Master, what is the meaning of this?" Zane asked.

"Each of you have been chosen. Each in tune with elemental properties. But first, Ninja, Go!" Sensei Wu did Spinjitzu, to change the gi's of the five Ninja and give them each a weapon. Jay was blue, Zane white, Cole kept black, pajama man turned red and Y/n got dark green.

"Whoa!" Porcupine exclaimed.

"How'd he do that?!" Cole questioned.

Jay looked at his gi, "Whoa! Look what color I am!" He cheered.

"Wait a minute, I'm still black." Cole said, confused.

"Kai, Master of Fire. It burns bright in you. Jay is blue, Master of Lightning." Wu listed off.

Jay chuckled, "Heh, that's not all I'm the master of. I do a little inventing. A dabble in model building. A touch of cooking. A little poetry."

"Not that his invented stuff works though." Y/n snickered, earning a small glare from Jay.

Cole sighed, "More like "Mouth of Lightning". Y/n here talks a lot too, but not as much as Jay."

"Black Ninja is Cole, solid as rock, Master of Earth." Wu announced.

Cole turned to Kai, "Nice to meet you, kid. I got your back, and for the record, there ain't nothing in this world I'm afraid of." He pulled his hood off.

"Except for dragons." Zane stated.

"Dragons aren't from this world, Zane. I said in this world." Cole replied, annoyed.

"White Ninja is Zane, Master of ice, and seer with sixth sense." As Wu speaks, Zane utilizes his shurikens before making them vanish.

 "I sense this one takes things a little too seriously." Kai whispered to Y/n, making her chuckle softly.

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