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Just like I have predicted and thought the moment I handed him that envelope he wants to have her. But I refuse to let my daughter go. He couldn't have waited for all this to settle to sink into his system before he started making demands.

Demands I am not willing to meet. I am willing to take the other options than just hand her over. Yeah I'm selfish like that I'm not moving back and I won't allow him to take her with him. Why would I? She doesn't know him.

And even if he pull other cards like I'm the reason why she doesn't know her father. I still don't relent. I don't want some random woman looking after my daughter especially his lover or whatever he has back home.

I countered all his arguments even if I know it's unfair or whatever he thought. Now he's running his hand down his face and I know he's frustrated with me with this pointless conversation because he knows he's not going to get anywhere with me.

I've been really difficult not succumbing to any of his threats empty or not. I won't even compromise. I just feel like she should be by my side every time and not miles or hours away from me even if it's just for a few weeks or holidays.

I won't do it. It just feels wrong. I know divorce and separate people do it all the time but that's them this is me and I'm not willing to do anything like that well not now but if the law gets into this I know I will but not now.

Maybe we would come to an agreement but for now, the options that are on the table will never work for me. He sighed combing his fingers through his already disheveled hair. It's distracting, he distracting but I held my composure.

I thought all these feelings die that day at the airport and over the years but no they were just at the bottom waiting to resurface again. Well, it's the wrong time feelings so back off and let me deal with this without you constantly getting in the way. I don't want to give in until we can come to something that pleases us both so for now just cool it down.

He sat back down on the couch slouching his lips set in a thin line. I remained standing. "Why are you being so difficult? I'm her father Crystal and I deserve to be in her life after five years and I most definitely get to take her back with me." He said drained.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "I'm not being difficult. I know but I can't just let you take her away from me."

"So what? You get to keep her away from me for five more years. She needs her father." He argued. I sighed cause this is getting tiring.

"What do you want me to do? To thrust her into your hands and say hey Chrissann this is your father and he's going to take you away from me and don't worry he'll take care of you." I breathe. "We have to take this slow she's just five years old still a child and we should deal with this delicately." I pointed out.

"Yes, she's a child who will happily accept something that she has been deprived for five years. A father." We just kept on going back and forth accomplishing nothing but arguing and glaring at each other.

I want the best for her to not throw her into this like she doesn't have feelings.

"I'm her mother and I'll decide how she gets to meet her father," I said and he heard that that was it and I wasn't going to budge one bit.

"Fine." He gritted out seeing that I wasn't going to change my mind.

"This Christmas," I said into the silence that descends between the both of us. He looked at me confused so I clarified what I just said. "We get to tell her this Christmas."

"Why Christmas and not next week." He asked exasperated.

I thought about telling him why this Christmas would be more convenient. Then thought what harm could it do.

"Because the story would add up," I responded finally sitting down too.

"I'm guessing you lied about where and who her father is." It was more of a statement than a question. It sounded like an accusation to my ears.

"What did you expect the actual truth. Hey, darling, you're father and I was sneaking behind everyone's back doing adult stuff when he was supposed to be getting married to my sister and in all that we made you and when things got too much I ran."

"That would have sound good to a five years old ears don't you think. That she was conceived out of deceit and betrayal by both parties and even though he didn't get married to your aunty I didn't want to tell him about you and that's why you don't have a father. I was selfish and am still am because I don't have the nerves to call him and tell him that he has a daughter...you. Your mother is a coward, the cowardly selfish that she keeps you to herself."  I ended it there.

He didn't say anything but stare at me. I don't hold his gaze too long knowing I would relive those happy moments we once had and look anywhere but at him.

I wonder if he's going through the same turmoil as I am. If those feelings he had for me is simmering underneath the surface. If he's fighting them off like a disease that will plague his body if he doesn't control them.

I doubt it maybe he has moved on with someone else. I didn't check over the years although I was tempted to find out. It would have been easy but I didn't want to stalk him or harbor feelings. These feelings that I am keeping at bay.

It would be so easy to fall back in love with him that's if I'm still not in love with him but I know that I still have something in there for him. My mind wonder back to those times we would spend in each other arms. H running circles on my side.

Those times we would disguise ourselves and go out. Make mischief but I know that those times are done, gone and over. It's different now. I can see that he has changed a bit, not in looks but mentally. He has matured in that part, a stronger armor like the five years has been rough and he had to toughen up his exterior to get through.

But I don't think he has it rough like I did raising a child alone by my choice to be a single parent. Throughout it all I always wonder if he would have been a great father if he would have cried like I did when I saw her for the first time, holding her in my arms and all her first.

I am guilty for not letting him experience all of that but I'm sure he will in the future if he ever gets married and decided to have another child other than the one he just learned about. I looked at the watch and realized that she would be home soon. Cassie is picking her up so I have enough time to get dinner ready.

I got up walking towards the kitchen and for a moment I forgot that he was still sitting there. I turned around to face him.

"I..um..." I stuttered unsure of what to say. Should I politely ask him to leave or ask him if wants to stay for dinner? I went with the latter seeing that he needs as much time with her before he leaves to go back. He told me he only came here on a one-week business trip and had to extend it to two when this popped up. So he had only two days left before going back. "Would you like to stay for dinner?" I asked hesitantly.

"That sounds great but I'll have to swing back to my hotel room and be back in record time." He said pushing himself off of the couch standing now. I nodded and walked into the kitchen when he turned to leave.

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