Chapter 15: Now you see Abby, now you don't

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Meghan's POV
Maddie and I are back this week to complete with the team and it feels so good to be back especially since I didn't dance last weekend so I don't know how the results went for competition last weekend.

Maddie and I walk in and everyone is happy to see Maddie and I back and they asked us questions about filming the movie and what it was like.

We then went into studio A and the minis were here this week with there moms and they are all so tiny and cute.

Third persons POV
Ashlee was telling the moms that Brynn was the only one this season to receive a first place overall this season and Jill was mad at her for calling Kendall a smart ass just like her and Melissa said "I will punch her in the face" Melissa and Jill then went outside.

Meghan's POV
Two guys come into our rehearsal and they want to use Maddie for the fashion spread and two other girls on my team and they chose Nia and Kendall and I was happy for them and the photoshoot was tomorrow, We did the pyramid with the two guys and then they left and Maddie and I were on top because we were filming the movie and the elite junior competition team's group dance is entitled the elite and the minis are competing this week and their group dance is called the spotlight is on me, Miss Abby then gave Maddie a solo and the name of it is Bond girl and Brynn got a solo entitled She's Magic, I then raised my hand before I said to Miss Abby "Two weeks ago you said that my mom ruined my chances of having a solo for last weekend but since I'm here now, can I have the solo?" Miss Abby then said to me "Let me have a think about it, it's not a yes or a no" I then nodded before we did a dance class with the minis.

Third persons POV
After the moms left the room, Melissa walked up to Abby and she said to her "Abby, can I have a word with you?" "Yes" "Meghan wants a solo, she even asked you for the solo she was meant to do last week" "I know Melissa but she was a smart ass to me two weeks ago and she has this attitude problem that I think you are giving her and honestly she needs to grow up and realise that she doesn't need a solo every week" "Abby she hasn't had a solo for three weeks since we started this season of competition, let her have the solo she was meant to have last week" "Like I said to Meghan, let me have a think about it, it's not a yes or a no" "Thank you Abby" Melissa then walked back to the other moms while Holly said to her "How it go?" "Still the same answer honestly I don't want Meghan to not have a solo this week" Ashlee then said "So what you are saying is you want Meghan to have a solo and win and Brynn to lose?" "Ashlee, shut up, Meghan is in the senior division for the solo category while Brynn is in the junior division for the solo category" "Only the overalls Meghan might beat her" "No Ashlee, If Meghan gets a solo this week she will beat Brynn because Meghan is better then Brynn" "Well, that's not what Abby said, Abby said Brynn can get her leg up to here while Meghan can get her leg up to Mackenzie's height" "That's not true Meghan can get her leg up to Nia's height"

Meghan's POV
The next day...
Miss Abby rehearsed Brynn's solo while Maddie, Nia and Kendall were at the photoshoot with my mom, Nia's mom and Kendall's mom she then asked me to come into the studio and then she said to me "I thought about giving you the solo that you were meant to have last week this week last night and since your sister is off with doing this photoshoot I decided to let you do the solo you were meant to have last week" "Thank you" "Just remember if you don't win this week, it's not on me or Gianna or your mother, it's you" Miss Abby then dismissed me so she can rehearse the minis group dance and then I walked off and I bumped into Jack and I told him that I have a solo this week and he said that he can come and watch me this weekend so I'm very happy about that.

After the minis group dance rehearsal....
I went into studio A and Miss Abby told me my solo style is jazz and it's entitled Big shot, Miss Abby then said to me "You are a young lady in this routine and there's this guy that you really like and he's this big shot and you are saying hello to him and it's really sassy and i gave you this solo because you think you are a big shot and your mother thinks you are a big shot so let's go with it" I then rehearsed my solo before I was dismissed for the day.

The next day...
We rehearsed our group dance with Gianna before Maddie, Brynn and I had our solo rehearsals

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