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Stephan's heart pounded a million times a second, as he raced straight towards the room where he left Abby. Guilt surfaced in his heart and tore it to pieces. If anything happened to her, he knew that he would never be able to forgive himself. He would blame himself for everything, because he was the one that held Abby back when she wanted to leave the room, but how was he to know that this would happen?

The corridor was full of smoke, making it hard for anyone to see where they were going, Stephan's heart sank when he saw the hostile flames devouring the room Abby was in. Abby was trapped inside, and she would burn alive if he didn't get there quick enough! The witches had healing potions, and chemicals in the medical room where Abby was, which would make the fire burst into flames a thousand times more fiercely.

Heavy thick smoke billowed all around Stephan, and he knew at that moment that he was too late. "Oh my God, please, nooooo!!!!" Stephan cried out loud.

The MacAlister men were running the opposite way, and grabbed Stephan just in time, because he was heading right into the burning room. He fought with all his might, wanting to be left alone so he could go into the room to search for her. He was the strongest of all the men with the exception of Hawk, and easily freed himself from their grip, and made a mad dash for the room, but Hawk plucked him last second, and ran like hell down the corridor, and out onto the courtyard.

The MacAlister men followed close behind, just in time, because the whole entire castle was burning up as the furiousious fire blazed angrily throughout the halls of East Wick castle. Orange flames surrounded every inch inside of the castle, and left nothing in its way, as it raced hungrily throughtout the halls devouring everything in its way. The glass windows exploded as they burst into thousands of tiny pieces of glass on the grounds of the courtyard, and Hawk pushed all the women backwards to protect them from getting hurt.

Black, thick clouds of smoke filled the sky, as the angry orange flames turned the castle into an inferno. Within minutes the fire had swallowed East Wick completely, as the high winds furiously fanned the fire, spreading the flames rapidly as they gained strength and power inside the castle, leaving nothing in its wake.

"Everyone back to Sterlingshire castle, Dora bring your family with, you are all staying with us!" Michael barked loudly, to be heard over the gusty cold winds that blasted around the courtyard.

The babe was held tightly in Dora's protective arms, and all the woman huddled closely to keep the babe warm. They were panic stricken and breathless with the horrific events. The wind blew around them, howling as it froze everything in its way. Hawk muttered an oath under his breath as one eternal moment stretched into another, and finally, fearing for his baby's life, Hawk grabbed his wife in his strong and possesive arms, and zapped every single person on the courtyard to Sterlingshire castle.

There was a bit of an uproar as they looked around them to make sure everyone was there, until they realized that Stephan was not among them. Dora cried out hysterically, for even though she was strict with Abby, she had loved her like a daughter. The witches surrounded her, and weeped for their friend who had given them many days of love and happiness.

Kyra cried out for her son, but Michael stopped her, "Why do you cry for Stephan? Nothing can hurt him, he is strong and powerful and nothing can stop him, waste not another tear. He will return when he is ready. I think he is mourning Abby's death, and wants to be alone." Michael told her gently.

Hawk grabbed his daughter in his arms and cradled her close to his heart. If anything were to happen to his wife and daughter, he would have found a way to end his life. Pulling his Nessa close to him, he wrapped his arms around her, and embraced his little family, thankful that they were safe and sound. His wife was not yet twenty two, and was not safe from death yet, and his child, he had no idea what kind of powers she has.

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