06. One against the World

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"Let 'em go?" The thug sneered. "Ain't gonna happen!"

Lord Patrick took a step forward, his eyes flicking across the yard, measuring the distance, assessing the surroundings. "Let go. Now!"

"All right, if ye insist..."

Obligingly, the man dropped his burden. The girl slammed onto the ground, grunting in pain. An instant later, the man's boot smashed into her ribs.

"Leave her alone!" Gritting his teeth, Lord Patrick dashed forward, towards the man, who was drawing his foot back for another kick. "Did you hear me? I said—"

The man whirled around. Lord Patrick saw cold, hard steel flash towards him. Sliding one arm underneath the thug's, he pushed it up and to the side, sending the knife stabbing harmlessly into empty air.

"What the—!"

"Let me introduce you to my right hook." Lord Patrick smiled a grim smile at the man. "Courtesy of the Balliol College boxing club!"


The thug staggered back, and the knife flew out of his hand, clattering to the floor. With a flick of his foot, Lord Patrick kicked it away and, leaping across the little girl on the ground, placed himself between her and the three men.

"Bastard! We'll get you!" The other two ruffians rushed towards him. None of them had a knife, but they wore brass knuckles on their fists.

Lord Patrick snorted. Half-turning to minimize the target area, he raised his fists.

"Come at me if you dare!"

One of them rushed forward, aiming for His Lordship's gut. Weaving to the side, Lord Patrick's arm lashed out in a jab, hitting the man square in the face.


Moving in before the thug had a chance to recover, Lord Patrick bent and delivered an uppercut that sent the thug's head snapping back. All equilibrium lost, the man stumbled, and a last fist to the gut sent him crumpling to the ground.

"Stay right where ye are!"

Lord Patrick glanced up, expecting to see another fist sailing towards him—but no. Apparently, the last ruffian wasn't just a mindless thug. Instead, he was simply evil. He stood there, holding the little girl's brother up by the throat.

"Don't move, or I'll squeeze dis little bug till 'e chokes!"


The little girl leapt up from the ground and tried to stagger towards her brother. Lord Patrick grabbed her around the middle.

"Don't! Stay away from those men!"


The thug threw her a dirty grin. "Wanna save yer brother, little girl? I'll switch 'im for ye. Ye'll be worth more money anyway."

More money? Lord Patrick frowned. What in God's name was that supposed to mean?

He was distracted by the girl struggling in his arms.

"Let me go! 'e's got my brother!"

But His Lordship only clutched her more tightly. In his head, he couldn't help but hear that phrase over and over again: worth more money. Worth more money. It sent a shiver down his back, and he knew one thing: he was not going to let go of this girl! Not until it was safe!

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