Protect Your King.

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(I am sorry if this chapter is a little rushed, it may also contain some errors. I tried to clean it up to the best of my abilities... Anyway, enjoy!)

--Nightmare's Pov---

Today was definitely more beautiful than yesterday. While sitting beneath the tree of feelings, I started growing anxious for the company that was soon to come. (Y/n) would be returning here after her school... So I am hoping to get another book from her since I am just about finished with this one.

Turning the final page of the book with my right hand, I decided to read the last paragraph of the page aloud... It was honestly a beautiful story. "And with his cunning strategy slowly failing, the man brought fourth his wrath. if he couldn't have his beloved princess, then they would lose their throne to his rebellion. Even from afar, the two loved each other... And separated, they would wait."

"That last line... It's a little sad." Came a soft voice. I turned my head to glance at my brother, Dream. He seemed to be taking a break from his work, maybe finally tired from the social circle. I looked down at the story before turning to the cover. The title read 'Cunning Faith" and was about a Princess and a rebel General. The two slowly fell in love but were separated in the end. "It doesn't seem like a good way to end a story.... did you enjoy it?"

"Yes." I admitted while nodding. I actually loved the story, it had a rich plot and a very in depth outlook on the world and hierarchy. "It may of been somewhat unfortunate, but it still ended with their love. Even from a distance, they maintained their relationship and devotion... That is beautiful, right?"

"I guess so..." Dream muttered. I could tell that he wanted to sit down and take a break... It had to be tough with me spreading negativity due to my existence. "So where did you even get that book?"

I suddenly felt the need to snap at him, but instead managed to keep my cool. My brother had this terrible habit of drawing in all forms of positive attention... So naturally, even if I could make a friend, he would easily step in and steal them. "I found it in the forest."

Lying wasn't something that I wanted to do, but I could almost hear whispers from a voice within me, telling me to hide and keep (Y/n)'s identity to myself. Despite my lie, my brother seemed to only shrug his shoulders. "Well anyway, I think that I should get back to work. See you later, Nightmare!"

And with that, he left. Moments prior, he was tired and almost ready to fall over... But with very little effort, found himself on his feet again. Honestly, I was actually relieved that he had to leave... (Y/n) was about to show up.




I think that I might be a little impatient.

Once thirty minutes passed, i grew more anxious... Then around an hour, I started to wonder if something was wrong.

I could easily tell the time since the sky was starting to grow more cloudy. (Y/n) was easily about two hours late. During this time, I was considering the idea that she had maybe already abandoned me... But this wasn't the case once i noticed her figure in the distance.

I wanted to maintain an irritated blank expression on my face, but this soon faltered once I saw her limping. At the thought of her being hurt, my smile began to falter and turn into a frown. I probably would of gotten up to assist her, if she hadn't waved in my direction while offering me that ecstatic smile.

Once she managed to reach me, she sat down in the grass and pushed her bag to the side with a sigh of relief. If i wasn't a Guardian of feelings, i wouldn't have been able to sense her pain. "You alright?"

The King's Queen (Nightmare Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now