Chapter 9: Finding out

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As soon as I saw her sway I knew something was wrong. The minute she hit the ground my heart stopped. I ran to her as did everyone else and picked her up in my arms. I gently held her while Grace examined her. Grace is a doctor over at Toronto General so we turn to her for help. Geoff, one of the wolves that lives here, comes out with a bowl of cold water and a wash rag. I take them and gently place the damp cloth on her forehead. Silently praying to the Moon Goddess she's okay.

God, I can't stop staring at her she is an actual angel. I hope she's ok, I really want her to be okay.

"Well, Grace is she alright? What's happening?" I started to feel panic rush through me thinking there is something seriously wrong and I wanted answers.

"She's fine, she just passed out from the shock. She doesn't have any other injuries." The minute Grace said that I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Oh thank the Moon Goddess! Now what do we do? She's seen us." Aaliyah says from behind mum.

"I guess we're gonna have to kill her." Camila is a hybrid that lived in the house, she is part werewolf and part witch, some of the werewolves that live here are hybrids, with vampire and witch halves. The second Camila said that my heart skipped a beat and anger rushed through my veins. Yes if a human were to know about werewolves, it would cause mass panic so we would have to kill them. But Clara is not just a human, she is my mate.

"MINE! NO ONE IS GOING TO KILL HER. IF ANY OF YOU TRY I WILL NOT HESITATE TO KILL YOU AS WELL!" I held Clara tighter to my body and my eyes turned black to hint I wasn't messing around. I looked down at her to see her squirming in my arms so I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead to calm her down. She opened her eyes for a brief second and stared at me before she closed them again.

"Oh my god! Is she the one?" Cameron one of my friends and a hybrid, part werewolf and part vampire, had noticed how I was acting. I nodded vigorously.

"Yes, she is my mate so no one can hurt her." It's true the pack can't touch her. Whoever a wolf dubs as his/her mate cannot be harmed. Everyone was in shock but happy that I had found my mate all except for Camila. She and I were lovers at one point, but that was a long time ago. I can see she still has some feelings for me but I don't want her any more I want Clara, I can also sense some jealousy towards Clara.

"What?! A werewolf can't be mated to a human. That is like a one in a million chance."

"Well I guess we're one in a million." Camila stormed off into the house with a look of disgust in her eyes.

"I think you should take Clara back to bed. She needs rest, and keep the cold cloth on her head." Grace said, so I picked Clara up without effort, she is very light, and carried her back to my room. I set her down gently, pulled the covers over her, rewetted the cloth, kissed her forehead and I sat in the chair next to my bed waiting anxiously for her to wake up.


I woke up and I couldn't see anything so I blinked trying to get my surroundings into focus, which worked. I was back in Shawn's room with a rag on my head and the covers around me. Shawn was in the chair across the room with his head in his hands. I tried to sit up only to be pushed back down by Shawn.

"No, no, no we don't want you passing out again."

"Oh, what happened? The last thing I remember was..." I looked at him and my eyes went wide and I stared at him as he had a bashful smile on. "Wow, must have been a nasty dream I had." I laugh it off but Shawn is not joining me. "I'm laughing and you're not why is that?" He chuckles nervously.

"Well Clara, i-it wasn't a dream. I'm a werewolf." He said that and my eyes felt like they were going to pop out of their sockets. I will admit it does kind of make sense.

"A-HA! I knew there was something off about you! This explains a lot of shit that's been going down in your family."

"Wait are you saying you don't mind me being a werewolf?" He looks at me with hope in his eyes.

"No I don't mind my friend being a werewolf. Like I said, it explains a lot of shit. I guess I just need to get over the shock of it all." He smiles so big and pulls me into the biggest hug imaginable. I wrap my arms around his torso and he buries his face in my shoulder.

"I'm so relieved. I promise I will take care of-wait a minute, you said friend." He looked at me and his eyes dropped.

"Well yeah, when you said I was your mate at the coffee shop I figured that's what you meant." He immediately burst into laughter.

"Oh no, that's not what I meant." I am so confused.

"What do you mean? What exactly am I to you?"

"Every werewolf has a mate it's like your partner for eternity and you Clara are my mate."

"So you're saying I'm your soulmate; or something along those lines."

"Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying. I want to make you happy Clara because you make me happy just by being around me. Please accept me as your mate." I thought he meant we were friends, I'm kind of relieved that's not the case. I'm terrified of what this means, but I said I would give him a chance. I stare at him for a long time, I could stare in his eyes forever. I do feel something for him and I like it. But before I accept him he needs to know about my past. I won't tell him everything but I will tell him enough.

"Shawn, before I make a decision, you need to know somethings about me..." he nods giving me the signal to continue. I take a deep breath "...I have been lied to, manipulated, and betrayed by many people I cared about, I have lost the feeling of love because of what they did to me. I need to know you won't be one of them because I do feel something for you and I want this to work." He cups my cheeks in his hands to make me look at him as I was looking down.

"Clara I swear to you on the Moon Goddess herself I will never betray you. I really want you for you no one else. I want your horrible past to stay in the past all I want is to be your present and future. Will you let me be that?" The minute he said that my heart leapt from my chest. I had the biggest smile on my face. Maybe he's not like all the rest after all.

"Yes Shawn, I will let you. I, Clarissa Angelic James accept you Shawn Peter Raul Mendes as my mate." Shawn had the biggest smile on his face as he tackled me onto the bed and I let out a squeal and a giggle. Him laying on top of me with his head on my chest felt right.

"Can we stay like this for a while, this feels nice."

"Anything you want, and just to warn you I like being on top." He said that with a wide smirk, I gasped and hit his back playfully. He laughed and brushed it off and snuggled closer into me.

I slowly drifted off to sleep with my mate in my arms and for the first time in a while I was truly happy. I just hope that happiness lasts.

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