Minizerk- Easter

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Simon's P.O.V.

None of us, except maybe Tobi, were particularly religious so this holiday was kind of just another day for us. Some of the Sidemen went home to meet up with their families but most of the time they just stayed at home to record, to edit and to film any real life videos because most of us were free. This year was much the same, only Ethan and Tobi at home with their families, leaving the rest of us to hang around at the Sidemen house.

I woke up to a quiet bedroom and a warm bed, an arm tucked around my waist. Josh was snoring a little bit, head thrown back and mouth half open, looking slightly strange but goddamn, he was my boyfriend and I loved him no matter what. I sighed happily and settled back down against him, breathing in his familiar scent. It was a little too early to be up, so if I slept in another few hours, what was the big deal?


When I woke up the second time the bed was cold, Josh no longer sleeping by my side. But then again it was almost noon and he had never been one for sleeping in so long, so it wasn't exactly a surprise to be waking up alone. I yawned and stretched for a couple of moments before swinging my legs over the edge of the bed and padding down to the kitchen.

Josh was up, sipping on a cup of coffee. He smiled at me when I came in and ruffled my already messy blonde hair, pulling the barstool closer his when I sat down on it.

"Coffee babe?" He asked, voice soft.

"Yeah, please." I mumbled, yawning again. "That'd be great."

He handed me a cup of coffee a couple of minutes later, the warm mug slightly burning my skin and another happy sigh left my lips. We spent the next half hour in complete silence, both still waking up from our long night.

"Happy Easter Si." He whispered after that, eyes drifting to our backyard. "I might have set up an egg hunt for you." I managed to roll my eyes, laughing.

"Cheesy, you're so cheesy Josh." I grinned, also following his eyes to the backyard- already I could see one purple egg sticking out from the bush. "How long do you think it'll take for me to find them all?"

"Well considering there's 16 eggs and the backyard is huge so... 20 minutes? Some of them are pretty well hidden." Josh gave me one raised eyebrow and grinned. "Wanna bet? You get all the eggs in less than 20 minutes and we do whatever you want for the rest of the day, you don't get them in 20 then I get to take charge!"

I thought about it for a moment before going- "fine, fine. Deal."

Josh took out his phone and set up a timer for 20 minutes, pulling a container out from the cupboard underneath the sink. He handed it to me and grinned, nudging me off the stool and over to the sliding door into the garden.

"You gonna give me any hints or am I just going to be thrown straight into this?" I asked, stepping out onto the porch. I caught glimpse of another egg, also purple, floating in the fountain.

"Nope, no hints. 3, 2, 1, go!"

I ran off before he even got to go, grabbing the two eggs I could see, one in the bush and one in the fountain, and before I could even think I saw another one, hiding behind a football on the lawn. I ran and grabbed that as well, totally 3 in less than 30 seconds. Josh stood behind me and watched, still timing.

I didn't notice until I glanced down in my basket that all of the eggs were Cadbury, which was why they were purple- that made them easy to spot. I grinned.

"Are they all purple?" Josh nodded. "Well that makes them easy to spot." He didn't say anything more, only smiled.

I began strategically, going through the garden first beside the house and then working my way further back, scanning every bush for eggs. I picked up another one around the corner of the house, one just beside the porch and two more shoved into the bushes, totalling 7. I asked for the time.

"You're 5 minutes down." He grinned. "You've almost got half the eggs but these are the easy ones."

I crowed in triumph when I found another two, one up a tree and another in the massive hedge along the fence, pushing me over halfway. Josh was smiling more and more as more time passed, 8, 9, 10, 11 minutes and I still couldn't find anymore eggs. There- another one just inside the soccer goal.

"Tick, tock, tick, tock." He teased, following me around the garden. "I'm winning Si!"

"You aren't winning, you're just trying to distract me!" I called back, continuing to scan the trees. "Goddamn it, there must be another one up this tree!"

Another five minutes passed and I managed to find one more egg, hidden in the gutter of the garden shed. I quickly found two more, one hidden in the pile of logs and one in a pot plant, but time was ticking down and with 5 minutes left, with only 12 eggs found. I would have to find just under one egg a minute if I wanted to win.

"Chop chop Si!" Josh nudged me with his hip. "4 minutes!"

"Shh Josh!" I chastised, running across the lawn. "Stop distracting me! I've still got to find 4!"

The minutes ticked down, and I still wasn't able to find anymore. I was growing more and more panicked but with 30 seconds left I just flopped down onto the grass, glaring up at Josh.

"Fine." I grumbled. "You win. You get to do whatever you want today." He grinned.

"Yes!" He cheered, dancing around me as I pouted and lay on the ground. "Get ready to have a fun day!"

"Your idea of fun or mine?" I groaned, finally sitting back up.

"Mine of course!" He cheered. "Let's have the best Easter ever!"

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