Synopsis | Jo Yuri

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"So, how was patient Hyewon?" I asked Sejeong.

"She's resting." She replied coldly.

"Alright." We then arrived in front of the next patient's room.

"This one is Jo Yuri, age 18. She has some panic attack disorder."

"Panic attack? Alright, I'll go in." I knocked and entered the room seeing her sitting on the corner of the room.

"Jo Yuri ssi?" I go towards her and once she lifted her face...

"Oh? Wasn't you're the one I bumped into?" She starts to get panicked and sweat.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... Please I don't wanna die..."

"Die? When did I say I want to kill you?"

"Because when I bumped into people they will get mad at me... And when they get mad I know they will kill me..."

"No Yuri ssi. I won't ever do that to you. I promise." I held out my pinky finger to her.


"Yes." I nod and she intertwines her pinky with mine.

"So Yuri ssi... Can you tell me something about your illness?"

"My illness?"

"Yes. I need to make a synopsis for all of my patients."

"Umm... I start to have this illness when I was a child. I was traumatized by an accident that I've been through. It was horrific and then I recovered from my physical injuries. However, my parents died in that accident. I don't know why I was lucky enough to survive that."

"Yuri ssi. You're lucky enough to be alive and you should appreciate that. Not all people get to live a long life. You're given a second chance. So please, use your second chance wisely."

"With enduring all the pain and trauma? It's easy for you to say it because you're just a fucking doctor and don't have any mental issues! I can't handle it. I can't take it!"

"Yuri ssi, please. I will help you get through all of this and I promise that."

"You better keep your promise..."

"I will."

"So did you have a panic attack every single time?"

"Yes. And I worry about everything. I just... I just want to get treated like other normal people out there..."

"Then you'll have to trust me." She nods at me.


We had a really good conversation about this and that. She also has entomophobia which is scared of insects especially bugs. We also have similar tastes in food and drinks.

"I'll get going now Yuri ssi. It was nice meeting you."

"It was nice meeting you too." I waved goodbye at her and went outside.

"That was pretty quick." Sejeong said.

"Better than nothing." We continued walking our way to the next patient.

"Wait!" I turned around and see Yuri.

"Hwang Y/n."

"Yes, Yuri ssi?"

"Can I talk to you in private for a bit?" I look at Sejeong and her eyes are saying 'Just go'

I followed her to the garden and she starts to speak.

"So... umm. I think I should tell you this."

"What is it?"

"My best friend, Yena unnie managed to escape this hospital."

"Wait? How can it be? This hospital is heavily guarded!"

"I also don't know why but... I think I... I..." She starts to breathe abnormally.

"Take a deep breath Yuri ssi."

"I... have a bad feeling about this..."


"I don't think she could escape that easily. Someone must've helped her or... kidnapped her."

"What? Why?"

"As far as I know, it must be the people who kidnap other people to sell their organs." My eyes widened after I heard that.

"Where did you get this news?"

"Yujin and Wonyoung told me that they saw a few men in black suits enter this hospital. They saw them bring luggage as well. It could fit a person in there. They also saw a hand sticks out of the luggage."

"This is serious. We must inform this to the whole hospital!"

"No! They're all bribed. There's no use."

"So what are we gonna do?"

"They always come back in a month. So, they will do something to unnie on the last day. They also want to torture her first." I gasped at her information.

"For now, we still have time. So, please... I want you to earn their trust and we could go to rescue Yena unnie."

"But it won't be easy."

"Don't worry. I can help. My illness is still not in a serious condition so I'm still okay."

"I just don't understand why the orphanage didn't accept you and instead sent you here."

"Me too. But anyway, that's not the problem. Please earn their trust. You have Yujin and Wonyoung next. Yujin has HPD and Wonyoung has APD."

"I'll keep that in mind. Thanks, Yuri ssi."

"Just call me comfortably."

"Alright... Yuri-ya."

"Much better."

"Thanks for the information and I'll see you later, Yuri-ya."

"You're welcome." We both bid goodbye to each other before I went back to Sejeong.

"I'm surprised."

"Whatever." We continued our way to meet Yujin.

" We continued our way to meet Yujin

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Name: Jo Yuri

Illness: Anxiety Disorder

Cure: ???

- Yuri's illness isn't very critical like any other members. She's still able to control it though sometimes she could be out of control. It seems like she's more open to me, unlike other patients. Even though her current illness isn't very serious, but I need to make the illness out of her mind and heart forever.

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