Chapter 13

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"I'm not Trey's mate."

Everyone's – except for the guests', Trey's, and Carter's – eyes widen and their jaws hang open.

"What the hell?!"

"What the fuck?!"

"Oh Dea!"

All have been said at the same time. The first one came from Alpha Troy, dad, and Gamma Charlie; the second from Brent; and, the last from the ladies.

Trey's grip on me tightens to the point that it hurts and he pulls me on his lap, hugging me tightly like a little boy protecting his favorite toy from bullies who want to take it from him. "She's mine!" He growls.

Euan and Luca stand up and growl loudly. Their faces and stance scream they are ready for bloody murder.

"Let her go this instant!" Euan snarls.

Both his and Luca's eyes are flashing gold.

"No! She is only mine. Tell them, baby. You're mine, aren't you?" He squeezes my sides. "You're mine, Bea! Mine! Fucking tell them!" His pleas turn into demands.

Euan and Luca almost lunge their selves at us, if it isn't for their companions who are trying with all their might to hold the twins back. The others are still too shocked, and are still probably processing the revelation, to react to what's happening.

"Do you want her to get caught in the middle of your brawl, mate?" The guy, who I recall to be Anton, says causing the twins to growl at him.

"Just spit the rejection stuff out so we can get everything over and done with."

My eyes widen at Trey's statement.

Who does he think he is to make that call?

From that thought, everything has gone in fast motion.

I get snatched from Trey's hold and the next thing I know, I'm in Luca's arms and he's nuzzling my hair. Trey charges with a murderous growl, trying to get to me. But Euan won't let him. They both come for blood. The sparks I feel crawling up my every nerve from my skin's contact with Luca's are quickly forgotten because of the sounds of bones breaking, whizzing in a blur of knuckles.

As fast as their fists fly towards one another, the horrid sounds of bones and flesh shifting fill the room. Trey, who is grizzled grayish-brown colored mixed with cinnamon, is now fighting to death with an Alpha alba lupus, the pure white muto who is Euan.

The forgotten crowd comes out of their trance, willing to stop the two lupis from killing one another. Alpha Troy shifts into muto – larger but nearly identical to Trey's, only with a darker pelt – and goes in between the two young Alphas. He pins Euan down to the floor, using the added strength that comes with his Alpha title; while he leaves Trey to be pinned down by dad and Gamma Charlie, who are now also in muto. Anton and William also help Alpha Troy, knowing he only means to stop Euan from causing further damage to Trey and his self. All the while, Brent and Carter, who did not shift, are in front of Luna Mary, mom, and Tessa, standing in a defensive stance.

Blood is splattered everywhere, and the once beautiful office is now in a state of complete havoc. It's a sight which would qualify for the saying "and all hell broke loose".

I didn't know I'm crying, until Luca's large hand gently cups my face with one hand and wipes the tears with the other.

"I am sorry you had to see that, love." He gently whispers before kissing my forehead. "Can you calm Euan down, love? Please. Can you do it, for all our sakes?"

Theirs to Claim (Under minor editing)Where stories live. Discover now