Russia Times Two (22)

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Finally an update! 

All I ask is that ya'll continue to be patient with my flakey ass!

Anyway, enjoy my little book wormies <3

Don't forget to comment and leave a like if you actually liked it! If not, then I hope my bad grammar and misspellings make your eyes bleed tehe <3


The building was unnaturally quiet since all the students busted ass to get out of school a while ago.

I continued to walk down the hallway at a brisk pace to where the conference rooms were stationed. I can feel Zander tense up at the sight of the impressive school. He lets out a low whistle to confirm.

"Well butter by buns and call me a biscuit, this place looks more like a damned castle!"

I can't help but chuckle at Z-man's more than accurate observation. This school is obnoxiously big, but I suppose it was created for the rich and talented.

A ten minute walk later and a few more colorful phrases from Zander, we stand in front of two closed doors. A sign on the front indicates that this is indeed where my sentencing-I mean meeting-is supposed to take place.

I release a breath trying to calm my nerves. Zander once again places his hand around my shoulders and squeezes me to his side. His half-hug doesn't even trigger me, in fact, it makes me feel...comforted.

"You don't have to say a peep. Just leave it to me darlin' and I'll handle these ornery peacocks. "He nods at the end of his sentence like the people in that room has sealed their fate. I'm feeling much more confident now that I feel like I have the best lawyer out there by my side.

Zander doesn't move his hand from my shoulders as he opens the doors.

The chatter in the room halts as all eyes turn to us. I take a minute to orient myself with my surroundings. In the middle of the room sits a large oval shaped table with built in tablets at every place setting. There are also set up name tags at each place and I take a moment to memorize names to faces. 

The very front of the room harbors a ginormous flat screen tv that looks like it's used for anything but watching Disney channel. To my left, a wall of light streams through the ground to ceiling windows onto the decorative paintings on my right. If I had to sum up this room in one word, it would be 'power'.

I find Mr. Axel Toma at the crest of the oval table, clearly showing that he is going to be the man in charge of this little 'meeting'. Mr. Owen Blackbourne sits promptly to his right looking like a perfect statue. His navy suit is on point with not a speck of dust or a crease to be seen. Next to Owen, I see Dr. Sean Green who gives me a kissy face and a finger wave. I then see what appears to be twins. My AP Calculous teacher, Cory Henshaw and another man named Brandon Henshaw. 

Ah, he's suppose to be my Art teacher. 

Cory seems to have this happy geeky aura around him while Brandon appears to want absolutely nothing to do with life but will be more than happy to beat up the grim reaper himself of he even tries to take him from it...confusing I know.  

Next to Cory I see a beautiful man with one blue eye, and one green. How fascinating. His name tag reads Marc Despite his unique and handsome looks the name Marc Wheelend sits in front of him on a name tag. 

I mentally sigh, if only these men didn't make themselves my enemy first. 

Behind me, Zander lets out a snort as if he's not impressed in the slightest. He surprises me when he starts speaking in a whole other language.

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