Broken Wings

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"-so that's what happened."
"I can't believe you, Fresh. This is just- this is just-" Ink gestures to my graffiti.
"Wait, what?"
Ink runs around the Doodle Sphere, admiring my planes and spray paint creations.
He turns around to face me.
"You're a natural artist, Fresh."
"Nah, broski. I just got too much time on my hands."
Ink picks up a red and black spiked plane from the ground. Fell.
"Are these... you know, us?"
"Sure is. Every Sans in the multiverse. You, too."
I realize Ink is looking at the trash bin.
"We never use the trash. Everything has use, I believe." He said.
"So why..." Ink reaches into the garbage and pulls out a vividly colored crumpled paper plane. The Fresh plane.
"Am I looking at this?"
"Listen, I know it seems uncool, but you hafta understand-"
"Even you deserve a place in the multiverse."
"Ink, I-"
"You even have a whole universe!"
"Ink stop-"
"So what makes you think you should-"
"INK!" I snap.
Ink recoils at my outburst.
"Brah, I'm not a Sans. I'm not even from here. So it's prob's best if you stay outta my personal beeswax."
"Fresh, what are you talking about?"
But it's too late.

Ink looked
around frantically, trying to find Fresh.
"Jesus Christ, Fresh. One minute you're here and the next minute..."
Ink picked up the Geno plane.
"You're gone..."
Upon closer inspection, the red flecks on the Geno plane aren't paint.

But blood.

Ink scrambled away, picking the Fell plane back up, seeing the red lines on that plane were also blood.

Something was very wrong here.

Sorry this one is so short, I didn't know how to transition in chapter, so I ended it here. But the story does continue! Thanks guys!

I Am the 90's Nightmare (Underverse)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang