Chapter 3

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Grier's POV

I'm sorry . It's fine um I think takeout sounds really good. Yeah let's do that I laugh as I went to go get menus from my cabinet. Mmm how about Chinese I haven't had that since I was in high school. Yes that's what we are having are you really serious Blake you haven't had that since high school. I'm being like really serious.

Our food got here and we went to the kitchen to sit at the bar I had in there. So I've worked for you for 3 years and I know only work related things about you tell me something I should know. Ummm I use to have this dream of becoming a football player and going pro and having a huge family with about 5 kids and 3 dogs. Oh wow that is. I started to laugh. What's so funny about that he said sternly. You make it seem that just because you are a CEO your family thoughts won't come true. Yeah I guess it's just that every girl I meet is either a gold digger or annoying. Hmm well maybe if you actually put your mind to someone you will find your one.

That's not bad advice maybe I could Pursue something with my future wife.

Blake POV

As she was talking I saw the beauty in her and I just wanted to kiss those soft lips of hers.

So what you are saying is that if I find someone that I really like that I should try to be with them.

Exactly I mean if you have the feelings just give it a try and see where it goes.

Ok I get up and walk over to her taking her by the hand and kiss her.

Grier's POV

Omg I can't believe he is kissing me I have wanted this for so long. I know I was with Seb but Blake is handsome and I've had a crush on him since I started the job.

I kissed him back and wrapped my arms around his neck and played with the back of his hair.

I was lifted onto the counter and he stood between my legs. He pulled back and said. I mean at least I know she likes me back he smiled.

It was getting late and I told Blake to just sleep in one of the guest bedrooms I have there and I found some new clothes that I had bought for Sebastian but that didn't seem predictable so I gave them to Blake to change out in and I gave him an extra toothbrush and went to bed.

Good night grey. Good night Blake.

I think I might actually like my boss and I just kissed him that's insane I can't wait to see what is in store for us in the near future.

Blake POV

I kissed her and I feel nothing wrong with that I actually enjoyed it and even though she is my PA she is still a girl that I would want in my life and I've wanted to kiss her for so long but again she had a boyfriend but now he is out of the picture and I can come and maybe find the love of my life and have my life long plans come true. I can even smell her scent on the pillows and I love it.

Authors note
I know this is very very soon but this story is going to have many ups and downs and I can't wait for y'all to read the story an my chapters are somewhat short but they will expand through the book

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