XX. where am I

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Waking up in an unfamiliar room almost transpired Seraphina to let out such frightened shriek.

Her curious emerald eyes roaming around the small chamber, maroon wallpaper on the verge of peeling in the corners, the crooked dresser beside the bed, the not-so-well-polished floor, down to her white sheets.

A soft sigh was instantly released at the sudden sight of Zachary opening the door, along with him is a silver tray of the meal.

What time is it? And where is she?

Memories from before began flashing in her mind. The sight of the crumbling boarding school. The betrayal of the girls and the Headmistress. Zachary's connection to all this madness.

Seraphina just stared at him. As usual, Zachary looked as if he hadn't slept for a decade. He dared not to even change into a clean decent shirt for it is all wrinkled. His blond hair is unruly, his eyebags more pronounced.

The corner of his lip laggardly twitched up in an awkward way, perhaps, unsure whether to react to the newly awake Seraphina lying before him.

"What happened?" uttered Seraphina, eyeing Zachary as he strolls down towards her, still carrying the tray.

Shrugging, Zachary sat down beside her on the bed. Few inches away from her yet his heat began soaking through the covers and even to her skin.

"You passed out," answered quietly, still staring at her, his heart aching to pull her soft long hair back but can't since guilt is slowly eating him alive.

Silence passed between them. Zachary prepared the meal for her, his hand somehow shaky than usual which Seraphina decided not to comment about.

"Where am I?" added Seraphina, biting her lip as she let her eyes wander around the room once more.

It took a moment for Zachary to answer. "Here in my house,"

Her eyes widened for she can't digest the idea of being back here in Avebury. Does her aunt already know what occurred, if so, where is she?

"Abo-about my aunt, Zach, Can I have a minute with her?" Requested Seraphina, eyeing Zachary.

He sat closer beside her, their bodies now touching. Their clothes separating them.

"You're still in Bath, love,"

Her brows met. It hasn't occurred to her that this man before her might have bought a manor for himself here in Bath. Besides, where else would he be staying? In an inn?

Seraphina suddenly felt extremely foolish and guilty for not giving much thought about where he might be residing.

Due to embarrassment and cluelessness regarding what to say next, she looked down at herself.

Her emerald immediately widened in surprise and confusion at such sight of hers wearing a different nightgown. In fact, she now wore a delicately-sewed black frock.

Two things for sure: knowing Zachary. He was the one who changed her. Secondly, she doesn't own this one.

Zachary must've noticed her extensive attention to her clothes since her ears picked up the words, "I bought it for you many years ago, love. I still have loads of gowns for you in the dresser, you could change if you desire to,"

Firmly shutting her eyes for a moment, she forced herself not to make a big deal about it. She shouldn't be surprised for he already knew and expected that side of him. This peculiarity of his is no foreign.

Good God, the whole time, was he expecting her to somehow wear all these clothes? Just like the Christmas gift he gave her many Christmases ago, this one fits her like a glove as well.

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