Get to know each other

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If I ignore a friend I have the ability to help,wouldn't I be betraying him?


Dave's POV

I have to village people have finally caught me. I am so stupid. What was I thinking when I decided to help this woman? now I am in so much trouble.

Anyways,it turns out I can't do anything. She has me trapped but I still find it hard to believe Katherine,I mean she is like the living example of Rapunzel.

She knows I can't tell her father because I don't know him and also he might kill me without her defending me. Plus,I can tell she knows I feel bad for her terrible childhood.

Darn me for being so sensitive.

I came back to the living room after Katherine had dressed up and the sight in front of me was hilarious. Katherine looked like she was swallowed by my shirt and the trousers weren't doing her justice.

She glared at me and I clamped my hand down my mouth to stop the laughter from escaping. I got to admit,she is really funny. She has made me to laugh twice in such a short span of time.

I settled for a chuckle. "Wow,you look dazzling".

"Shut up okay?" Katherine huffed,crossing her arms. "Now,before we start with my wishes,we have to go shopping tomorrow. I need clothes,toiletries,a laptop–".

"And who is going with you?" I asked playing dumb.

"Don't make me sass you David" She smirked. "You have to".

"Unlike some people,I have a job" I said,sitting on the couch and grabbing the remote. "Besides,how did you know my full name is David?".

"It was a guess" Katherine said sitting next to me. "You can call me Kath,it's a short form".

"Okay,Kath" I smirked. "Now,tell me. Why do you trust I will help you? Aren't you scared if I'm a ritualist or kidnapper and you don't know?".

"I am a good judge of attitude and looks" Katherine answered nonchalantly. "Besides,you are obliged to help me. It's not like you have much of a choice,in between my dad and helping me,you have a better shot with me".

I sighed in defeat. My fate is sealed.


I woke up falling off the couch hard. I groaned remembering why I was here. Like a gentleman,I had to give Katherine my bed which I was really regretting. She complained the bed was lumpy,she wasn't even grateful.

I was met with a strange face close up the moment i opened my eyes and I jerked back,hitting my head on the arm rest. "Oow!".

I looked up and saw Katherine's cheery face,I scowled. "Good morning" she chirped,seeing I had woken up and skipped to the kitchen.

I glared at her figure. "To what do I owe the displeasure of this awakening?" I asked in a plain and annoyed tone.

"We have to go to the mall to get new clothes" Katherine said.

"It's too early,my shift starts late today,at least let me sleep in peace" I grumbled before covering myself in a wrapper.

Kath peeled it off "no! I did a lot of exercise yesterday and i'm hungry,I need food".

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