Chapter 11

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•Vincent •
I wake up to the sound of Violet and I's phone screaming their heads off. I groan, throwing the blanket over my head.
"Vincent get up" Violet groans.
I peek up and see that shes not even up herself. I take my phone and throw it onto her, "GET UP YOU LAZY SON OF A BITCH" i scream at her.
"JESUS CHRIST ok fine!" She says, sitting straight up. We turn off our phone alarms and get.
"Ight, imma go get ready" Violet says, heading to the washroom.
"Imma make breakfast" i say heading to the kitchen.
Ten minutes later Violet comes into the dining room, "wheres breakfast?" She asks.
"Go make youself a damn bowl of cereal" i growl.
Violet rolls her eyes and sits down in front of me in thirty seconds with cereal.
"I forgot, you didnt bring any clothes with you" she says, finishing jer cereal.
I take our bowls and place them in the sink, "yeah so?" I ask.
"You can borrow some of mine and lets go shopping after school" Violet says.
"Girl clothes? And dont we have training after school?" I ask.
"Its not girl clothes and oh yeah right. Im sure the twins will let us get you some clothes" Violet says.
She disappears into her room and i brush my teeth, not even bothering with the mess of my hair. I rinse my mouth, spit and turn around.
"Here put these on. Hand me downs from my dead brother" Violet says, heaving a pile of clothes at me.
I close fhe bathroom door and look at the clothes she gave me, a purple button up shirt and black, ripped skinny jeans. I smile, excactly my style.
I quickly throw them on and head out of the washroom.
"Cmon we're gonna be late" Violet says, tossing me my phone.
I shove it in my pocket and rush into the hallway.
"Elevator" Violet says, entering it and pressing m.
"Thanks captain obvious" i roll my eyes.
We rush outside and Violet leaps onto my back, as i leap to the roof of a nearby building.
"This is scary but fun at the same time" Violet says in my ear as the wind rushes past us.
I pause on the school roof, terrified.
"What?" Violet asks.
"I just realized, i gave you a ride to one time to our first training session, so thats four times i broke my bubble, meaning you only have one month to live" I say.
"Yikes. Im sorry. Next time this happens we're taking the bus" Violet says.
I leap off the roof of the school and land on the ground, still wet from yesterdays rain.
Violet hops off, "you know i kinda wanna test if my stalker theory is true" Violet says, reaching for me.
"Violet, no" i say, back away from her, "look at how empty the schoolyard is" i notice.
"Everyones probably inside" Violet smiles, "idiot".
We head inside and it turns out she is right.
The school doors slam loudly behind and everyone turns their heads. Whispers spread quickly, making me uneasy. They know.
As we pass some people i can make their whispers, "its the murderer" , "its the guy from the news" and "he killed Nightmare Bon, didnt he?".
"Is there something youre keeping from me, Vincent?" Violet asks, narrowing her eyes.
"Maybe oh look theres my locker" i say nervously.
Violet follows me to my locker, i gather my books from my locker, "spit it out" Violet says.
"Ok! Im the murderer!" I yell, slamming my locker door shut.
Violet gapes at me.
"I didnt excpect to be a murderer! I didnt plan on killing anyone, ok? I killed one person, i liked it. It became my coping skill. Soon i was killing people every week. Things became worse for me. Soon i was killing one person everyday. Nope, things just got worse. I snapped, i killed two people a day and soon i felt better! Tell your dad. See if i care" i yell in the silent hall.
Violet suddenly snaps out of whatever trance shes in, "well if you like killing people so much why dont you go kill you parents?!" She yells at me.
"Excuse me what? I think im deaf" i laugh bitterly.
Violet sneers at me, "dont you dare play this game with me, Vincent Odette" Violet says.
"Oh i will" i yell.
"So youre admitting weakness, huh?" Violet asks.
"WHAT! NO!" I scream.
"You snapped" Violet laughs.
"God shut the hell up Violet. Youre so annoying" i say, kicking my locker.
"Not as annoying as you" Violet says.
"I fucking hate you!" I yell.
"You love me!" Violet smiles.
"You damn right i do" i say.
"This is the part where you hug me" Violet says flatly.
"You really think you can get me that easily? Its gonna have to be something more serious than that" i say, smiling.
Violets eyes widen and she smiles, "ok then" she says, slipping my pocketknife out of my pocket quickly and creating a deep cut in her arm.
"Yep" she smiles, going cross eyed a bit, "did it work?" She asks.
I stare at her, arms crossed, "what does it look like?" I ask.
Suddenly she faints and falls to the floor. I catch her and hold her in my arms. I whip out a first aid kit and stitch her cut up.
"Haha! You fell for it!" Violet laughs, opening her eyes.
"Vincent! Violet! Are you two ok?" Teal Blue asks, running up Chica.
"Yeah, Violet faked her fainting but i did stitch up her wound" i hiss.
"Phew" Teal Blue says, wiping her forehead.
Suddenly Violet starts shaking in my arms and i look down at her, "shit. I fucking hate myself" i say.
"Whats happening? Do i have to get one of the twins?" Teal asks.
"No it wont do anything" i say, as i watch Violet die in my arms.
As if on cue the twins show up, "no no no! Not Violet shes important!" Puppet says, crouching down beside her. He examines her and how shes shaking, then looks at me with narrowed eyes, "what did you do to her, you murderer?" Puppet says.
"What? I didnt do anything i swear!" I say, tears forming in my eyes, "if anything i would never harm her! Shes the only person i ever loved!" Tears come from my eyes, disobeying my orders to stay put.
"Get away from her!" Chica yells at me. Im shocked, the quiet shy girl, yelled at me.
"GET AWAY!" Chica screams.
I stand up, too shocked to move.
"GO!" Puppet yells.
"Why?" I ask.
"Because you killed her!" Teal Blue says.
" think i killed her?" I ask calmly, bursting into red hot flames.
"Vincent this only ends one way" Marionette says, bracing herself.
"Oh no im just mad" i say.
"But youre calm" Chica points out.
"Thanks for that captain obvious" i bristle.
The flames disappear, and Marionette relaxes a bit, moving her eyes to Violet.
I take the closest person from the crowd around us and hold her hostage, "if anyone tells me to fuck off and be somewhere other than Violet, Baby will die" i state.
"How can one kill without a weapon?" Teal asks.
I ignore her.
Ennards face peeks anxiously over the crowd, his eyes fixed on me and Baby.
"Im not sure what happened to Violet, good news is, she can easily be revived" Puppet says, placing his hand on Violets chest and inhaling. I watch as a spark of energy goes from Puppets chest through his arm, jerking Violet back to life.
Puppet jumps back quickly, standing up as Violet sits straight up.
"Violet your theory isnt true. Puppet brought you back to life" i smile.
Violet stands up and holds her head, obviously a bit dizzy.
"Vincent?" Violet asks, looking at me holding Baby captive with confusion.
"I said that if someone told me to leave you i would kill her" a twisted smile crosses my face, "i might as well do it anyways" i says, producing the pocketknife i picked up from where Violet dropped it.
Everyone gasps.
"Hmm, yeah, i probably will" i say.
"Vincent, i swear if you even hurt her i will break your back" Ennard says, sounding so sure of himself even after he saw my power and what i can do.
"Just do it already!" Molten sighs impatiently.
I cut her chin, curious of what Ennard would do. Baby squeaks in pain.
Ennard leaps over the heads of the people and kicks me, knocking me into my locker. I let go of Baby and she scatters back in fear.
"Woah calm dowm, i didnt kill her" i tell Ennard.
He sighs, "you hurt her though" he hisses.
"Haha!" Molten laughs. Ennard turns around and watches as Molten slits her throat. Several phones are whipped out and 911 is dialled.
"MOLTEN YOU FUCK UP" Ennard screams, sending bolts of lightning and electricity flying toward Molten.
"ENNARD IS OUR FIFTH PERSON!" I scream gleefully.
I fly through the air, kicking Ennard to the ground. Ennard touches me, sending bolts of electricity through me. I fall off, and he gets up, "i aint going with this weird cult youve formed" Ennard sneers.
Marionette leaps at him but is electrocuted. Pretty soom me and Violet are the last ones standing.
"Ah yes, actual power is in my fingertips and hands" Ennard smiles.
Me and Violet laugh.
"You better not come at me" Ennard says.
We do just that, knocking him to the ground. Ennard gasps, and shoots electricity through our legs. We dont flinch, it doesnt even hurt.
"Ah yes, we feel more powerful now, thank you Ennard" Violet says, speaking for both of us.
"Impossible" Ennard says, gaping at us.
"Vincent, arent you depressed?" Ennard asks.
I shake my head, helping him up.
"Then why do you want to die?" He asks.
"Im not afraid of death, i not afraid of anything, really" i lie, "plus i domt really care if i die".
"Ugh fine I'll joim your cult, but allowed to leave whenever, right?" Ennard asks as the paramedic come in.
"Sure" Violet says.
"Kay great thanks" Ennard smiles.
"Where is he?" Mr. Aflets voice can be heard.
"Someone called the cops!" Teal Blue says.
"Hes right here, chief" a nearby cop says.
"Violet! Are you ok?" Mr. Aflet asks.
Violet nods.
"Vincent, you liar!" He says, noticing thaf im the murderer.
"Thank me later" Molten says, winkimg at me.
"Youre under arrest. Anything you say can and will be used against you" Mr. Aflet says.
I say nothing and stare at the ground. My worst nightmare just came true.
"Dad please! If you take him away i will commit suicide!" Violet says.
"No we need you" Puppet mutters.
"You cant be serious" Mr. Aflet says.
Violet picks up the dropped pocketknife and holds it against her throat, "im so serious that will do it here if hes taken away".
"No dont" i say, wincing in pain as the handcuffs cut my wrists a little.
"Vincent, i love you. I wouldnt be able to live without you" Violet says.
"Im sorry Violet, but this is for the sake of the people" Mr. Aflet says.
"Ok then..." Violet slits her throat.
"NOOO! VIOLET" i scream, straining against.
Suddenly im on fire, i hold my cuffed wrists over my head and i break break them, blooding dripping my from cut wrists onto my face.
I rush over to Violet collapsed body, to find shes still alive surprises me.
"Violet i could have easily broken out of jail." I say, tending to her wounds.
"Vincent..." she falls limp.
"Nononononnono!" I cry, tears falling onto her face. I cant put out the physical and mental fire in and on me.
I kiss Violet for max three seconds before i break apart.
I turm to Mr. Aflet and stand up, "you. This your fault!" I yell, "she told you she would commit suicide! YOURE JUST LIKE MY FUCKING PARENTS, YOU ASSHOLE" i scream with rage, launching myself at him.

FNAF: The Elementals (Book 1 Of Fnaf High School)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora