Chapter 28: Lurkers

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There I stood amongst my fallen comrades, facing an opponent far stronger and more experienced than me.

He had a devilish grin on his face as he shouted, "Powerrrrr!" After defeating my entire class in an instant. Eighteen students downed in under a minute.

I was all that was left, so naturally, he was going to come for me next. "Look out!" Midoriya weakly shouted. "He has some sort of invulnerability quirk!"

Mirio suddenly appeared, coming up from the ground, and went to punch me in the stomach as he had with my classmates.

Ready for his strike, I teleported back just as his punch started to connect with me. I felt his clenched fist making contact with my abdomen, but I had teleported back just in time.

"It isn't invulnerability... It isn't teleportation... I find it unlikely for him to have as many extremely strong quirks as that, and for us to have never heard of him before.

It has to be simpler! Both our physical and ranged attacks did nothing, and he suddenly disappeared, meaning..."

He had vanished as I was speaking, and I pre-emptively swivelled on the balls of my feet and swung a punch behind me, almost striking Mirio.

There was a glimmer of shock that flashed across his face as I'd predicted his movement, and he activated his quirk just in time for my fist to go through him.

"He can go through things. I don't know exactly how it works, but it's obvious that's what it is. I don't need to know everything, I just need to know its weaknesses."

As soon as I noticed my fist going through his face, I teleported back out of range from Mirio's limbs. He was grinning at me again, impressed with my deduction.

Disappearing again, I stood on guard for him to randomly appear from any angle. The moment I saw him, I teleported away to trick him, and then immediately teleported back.

"If he can go through things... Then some part of him has to be solid!" I shouted as I swung a decoy punch at his face.

As expected, the punch went through, but then I redirected my punch. I crouched down fast and targeted his feet.

Seeing this, he suddenly dropped down into the floor and grabbed my head on the way down, slamming my face into the floor.

I collapsed and teleported back onto my feet, clutching my face. He hadn't gone all out on me for sure, but I was definitely feeling the pain.

Tsu then called out to me as she started to regain her composure and sitting out of the fight, "Alex-chan, stop! You're supposed to be resting!"

Damn, I was, wasn't I? Probably why I was a little slower than usual. But I didn't care at that moment in time, I wanted a fight!

"Why don't you listen to your friend?" Mirio said into my ear as he suddenly appeared behind me and finally got a punch in, hitting me in the stomach.

Unfortunately for me, my stomach is my weakest point. If everyone else was taken out in one hit, you can bet I was, too. I keeled over and signalled that I was done.

Mirio stood over me and softened his expression, loosening his muscles as he offered to help me up. I appreciated the gesture but teleported to my feet.

"Good fight! Honestly, I'm impressed you managed to hold your own against me for so long, and even figured out a part of my quirk!"

He then went on to explain that his quirk was called permeation, and that when he went through things, if he deactivated his quirk whilst in the floor, it essentially spat him back out.

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