Chapter Twenty Eight: Familiar Eyes

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THE KING OF GONDOR LOOKED LIKE he was seeing a ghost.

Robin forced a smile and started on the cell's lock, feeling the man's eyes frozen on his face. "Yeah, Queen Elessar, I'm alive. It's your lucky day."

"I don't understand," Aragorn rose unsteadily. There was dirt and blood splattered across his face and his shirt was ripped. "How?"

"Let's be honest, I'm much too handsome to die."

"But I—"

"Put a sword through my chest, yeah, I know. I wasn't very pleased about it either."

Aragorn wrapped his hands around the bars and simply stared. Robin risked a quick glance over to Aria's lifeless shape.

"She's alive?"

"Unconscious, but breathing. Her wound was treated and wrapped but it doesn't look like they were much more gentle than that."

"Well, they are a bunch of barbarians."

The king was still staring. Robin lifted his gaze from his work and arched a brow.

"Like what you see, I trust?"

"I killed you, Hood."

"Don't sweat it. I could've kicked your arse a hundred times if I had my full strength."

A small, bewildered chuckle left the man's mouth. It was somewhat familiar at least. Even if he did look in need of both a good meal and a shave. "Right, of course."

"Come on," Robin said, the lock finally clicking. The door swung open and the king stepped unsteadily out. "Let's get out of here."

"I never thought I'd agree with you."

Robin began unlocking Aria's cell next. He could feel Silothrien at his back, shifting nervously. Her gaze kept snapping to the corridor and back. He chuckled in amusement.

"Relax, mysterious elleth, we're gonna get out of here."

"Who is she?" Aragorn asked quietly, leaning closer. Robin only shrugged.

"A possible enemy? I've yet to find out."

"That's comforting."

"Isn't that what I do? Comfort?"

"Not usually."

Robin snorted despite himself. The lock clicked and Aria's cell door swung open and Aragorn rushed inside. The man picked her gently up and turned back toward them.

"We've got to get her out of here."

"And I thought this was the perfect vacation spot."

The king narrowed his eyes. Robin rolled his own.

"Fine, fine, let's go. Glad to see you haven't missed my delightful humor."

"I wouldn't call it delightful."

"Aye, easy on the insults. I did save your life, you know."

The man huffed and they started down the hallway, past other prisoners. Some leaned forward and watched. Some called pleas for their own freedom. Robin did his best to ignore them, glancing over at Aragorn.

"So, no..." He slowed to his side. Out of Silothrien's hearing range. "Sword?"

"Not right now."

"Oh, joy. Something to look forward to."

They started back up the staircase he'd pointed Brot to. Coming out into the daylight, Aragorn winced and shielded Aria from it with his body. Robin only blinked a few times, trying to adjust to the change. Silothrien stepped beside him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2020 ⏰

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