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There was a strange odor that lingered around us. It was a mixture of stale, cheep alcohol and weed, with a hint of body odor. It wasn’t the most pleasant of smells. I could definitely do without it. 

The red plastic cup that was placed in my hand had been refilled with some pink frothy beverage. It smelt of some sort of fruit - strawberry or raspberry, some type of berry, with a massive of vodka. I had been sipping on it slowly throughout the past hour we had been here, only to have it refilled once I had hit the half-empty point. It tasted bitter than it smelt and burned as it went down. I could feel the alcohol seep into my senses, slowly becoming inebriated. It took a lot to make me fully intoxicated. My Russian roots being the one to thank for that. 

Leah had been stuck to my side since the moment we entered. Her heavy Christian roots taking over her immoral desires to get crazy. In the corner of my eye, I watched as she tugged her dress down. Uneasiness flashing behind her eyes. 

“You alright there?” She looks over at me, a bashful smile surfaces. 

“Yeah,” she giggles. “Just a bit awkward.” She brings her cup to her lips. Her nose crinkling as she sniffs the drink. 

“You know you don’t have to drink it if you don’t want to.” I tell her gently, hopefully easing her from her uncertainties. 

“It’s not that I don’t want to. I do. It’s just a bit strong is all. Presley had a bit too much fun making it I think.” She takes a small sip, her face scrunching in distaste. “Yeah. A bit too much fun. Blah.” She sticks her tongue out, her eyes squinting slightly. 

“One of us is going to have to break it to her that bartending is not her job calling.” 

“You can do it. She’s your best friend.” Leah shakes her head, bringing her hands up to my face. 

“She’s your best friend too!” I retort. 

“Yeah, but you’ve known her better. You have that Ya-Ya Sisterhood thing going on. It only makes sense if you break the news to her. Nice and gently. Maybe give her cake. Cake always makes bad news hurt less.” Leah offers, shrugging her shoulders as she takes another slow sip from her drink. “God, why do I keep drinking this?”

“Because you’re bad.” 

“I’m such a sinner.” She sighs, leaning her back against the wall. 

We had been standing aimlessly against one of the walls in the crowded living room. There hadn’t been many seats left. Mostly couches that had been pushed back to make room for dancing. It was a scene out of any stereotypical teen movie. A frat party full of half naked women and red cups. One of the many reasons I didn’t frequent these parties. I wasn’t one for the cliches. 

The moment we had got to the party, Presley and Maggie headed straight for the kitchen. They had taken their time making our drinks, not trusting some half-drunk guy to do it for us. As great as it sounded to get roofied, we liked to have all of our senses in tact. The moment our drinks arrived, both Presley and Maggie were pulled into the mass of sweat covered grinding college students. They were the “wilder” ones of the group. Again, I’d rather not smell like an odored frat boy. 

Some Rihanna song played in the background. The heavy beats pulsating through my system. I bobbed along with the music, not bothering to move away from my spot against the wall. Leah moved along with the music as well, her blonde hair flinging side to side as she danced. I watched as a group of guys looked on. Their lustful stares lingering on my friends body. I carefully pulled her away, walking to the other side of the room. She was clueless, enjoying the music.  

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