Chapter 14: A Night in Bed

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It has been almost a week since being held captive. Shawn has been taking good care of me. I have been staying in the pack house and have been confined to bed rest for three weeks because of my stitches and broken bones. Shawn has been pretty moody these past couple of days, and it's getting annoying so I decided to talk with him tonight.

While I was in bed I got to talk to the pack members and find out more about each of them. I got a lot closer to them all, and they welcomed me with open arms. Camila was something different, she never came to see me nor try to talk to me. Maybe she's busy or she doesn't like me. Well, it doesn't matter right now, I'll get to talk to her sooner or later.

I'm currently in bed, Shawn is cuddled up to my chest as I play with his hair, which is calming him down a bit. He always loved it when I played with his hair. "Shawn, baby what's the matter with you?"

"Nothing, I'm fine honey." I let out a heavy sigh and got him to sit up and look at me.

"I know you're not. C'mon Shawn you didn't think I'd notice your mood change? Now tell me what is going on." He huffs and tries to get me to lay back down to keep cuddling me, but I'm not backing down. "Shawn, I'm worried about you what's going on?" He knows I'm not backing down, so he finally caves.

"You've read about how werewolves have a special connection to their mate right?" I nod my head and let him continue. In the time I've been in bed I decided to do some research because not everything I know about werewolves is true. Shawn brought me some books about werewolves from the pack house library and helped me to understand werewolves better. "When you were taken I felt everything you were feeling, and it felt like I failed you. I promised I would take care of you and always protect you, and I couldn't even do that. Now here you are lying in bed, in pain and I can't do a damn thing about it." He said the last part with gritted teeth.

His eyes were turning black, I didn't know they could do that. I was a little scared at first but I knew he wouldn't hurt me. I got closer to Shawn and cupped his cheeks with my hands and stroked the nape of his neck to calm him down.

"Baby you did everything but fail me, you saved me. If it hadn't been for you god knows what would've happened. Honestly, I'm glad this happened because it made me realize how much I love you and how much you mean to me." He looked at me before tackling me back onto the mattress and started kissing me all over. I pulled him in for a passionate kiss which got a little heated.

I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled him in deeper. His hands roamed my body careful of the cuts that were not totally healed. My hands trailed down to his stomach to feel every muscle tense under my finger tips. When I got to the hem of his shirt I placed my hands underneath it. We pulled away briefly so I could take off his shirt and mine. He trailed kisses down my cheek and jawline till he got to my neck. He sucked on my neck till he pulled away to look at me.

"C-can I mark you?" He looked at me with nervous eyes and I just stared at him.

"What do you want to do?"

"Mark you, it lets other males know that you're mine. It also starts the mating process." I look at him for a second before speaking.

"What exactly do you have to do?"

"All I have to do is bite you really hard." I stare at him while I think about it. I trust this man with my life. When he said mating process I remember reading about it in the books. It completely bonds us as mates. It was like a werewolf showing his love, I was so happy, I gave him a reassuring smile.

"Yeah, you can mark me." The minute I said that he was all over me again.

He kissed down my jaw till he got to my neck again. He found my sweet spot and started sucking hard causing me to let out a moan. In one quick motion we were flipped so I was on top straddling him. He found my sweet spot again and sucked really hard. I let out a few more moans and felt him smile on my neck.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw his fangs come out of his mouth. I got scared but I knew Shawn wouldn't hurt me intentionally. His fangs grazed the spot on my neck and I let out a small whimper, he could sense my fear so he rubbed my back to reassure me. His fangs dug into my neck and I yelped digging my fingernails into his shoulders and biting my lip to keep myself from screaming too loud. After a few seconds he pulls away licking the spot where he bit and kissed it multiple times, the pain going away little by little with every kiss.

"Are you okay? Do you feel sick or lightheaded? Is there pain in your neck?" He looked at me with concern in his eyes.

"No, I feel good and the pain in my neck is gone." I gave him a smile and I rested my head on his collarbone. "Is that what was also bothering you? Do you feel better now that you've done that?"

"Yeah, sorry I wanted to do that as soon as possible. I do feel a lot better now that that's done."

"So is that all you have to do?" He sent me a smirk knowing that was not all we had to do.

"For now, I don't want to do too much tonight, not till you're completely healed." I nodded my head in understanding.

"What do you want to do now? Stay in bed and cuddle some more or get up and eat."

"Well considering you can't get up from this bed, and I'm not that hungry right now, I wanna cuddle some more."

"Good I was hoping you would say that cause I'm not that hungry either. I thought you would be hungry because you have a big ass appetite." We both chuckle and lay back down on the bed. My head on his chest and his arms wrapped around me like a blanket.

"I love you Clara, so much."

"I love you more Shawn. Oh, and by the way, I like being on top." I say jokingly.

"Yeah? Well don't get used to it." I laugh rolling my eyes and go back to cuddling.

I live for moments like this.

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