Plague Part.2

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Mista had taken a shower in the dorms shower room in respect for Giornos taste buds, upon returning to the room the blond was paler than before. Which was somehow possible?
"This is a terrible idea"
"Yeah well, too bad"
Giorno had spent the past twenty minutes attempting to change Mistas' mind, however it couldn't be changed. Mista had made his mind up and he was going to stick to it.
Mista pulled his now damp, black sweater off from over his shoulders. He didn't want his sweater to be ruined with his own blood. He made his way to Giorno, who seemed to back more and more into the wall the closer he got.
He sighed deeply as he sat next to his boyfriend.
"Giorno, you're my boyfriend. I trust you, and you should trust me"
"I do trust you"
"This looks like fear not trust, honey"
Giorno finally looked into Mistas' eyes for the first time since the decision was made.
"It's going to hurt, it's going to feel like you're on fire under your skin. You won't be able to breathe. It'll be the worst pain you've ever experienced"
Giorno gently caressed Mistas' face, which made him feel at ease.
Mista smiled gently at his boyfriend.
"The worst pain is watching you die, nothing can be worse than that"
Giorno smiled before gently kissing Mista. The warmth Mista felt upon the exchange made him feel safer than he's ever felt, even though his death could occur in a moment. He was perfectly fine dying for Giorno. He hadn't planned on dying early, he didn't want to die, but dying for someone you love. That's an honourable, and happy way to die.
Mista would gladly give up every one of his blood cells to giorno if it meant he lived another day, gracing this Earth and it's inhabitants.

Mista felt the cold embrace of Giorno as he wrapped his arms around Mistas' waist, the kiss was broken, but Mista kept his eyes closed. The cold aura of Giorno slowly made its way from Mistas' face to the space where his neck met his shoulder. His heart was racing in his chest, he felt it in his stomach and in his ears the pounding of his heart was all he could ear.
He wasn't afraid, he was excited. As sick as that sounds. He was excited to be drained of his life essence, he was excited to see giorno again, and not the shell of what he had let himself become.

Time droned by slowly, it had felt like an eternity before he heard the gentle voice of his boyfriend
"I love you, Mista"
Before Mista could reply, a sharp, stabbing pain infected his skin.
The pain was a shock, it forced him to open his eyes, he didn't dare to look down. Instead he wrapped his arms around Giornos back, pulling him into a tight embrace.
His action worsened the pain, he could feel those teeth against his bones, in with his muscle tissue and nerves.
It was then he felt the pain Giorno had warned him about.

A burning sensation ravaged his entire body within seconds, almost as if acid had been injected into his every vein, and nerve. He wanted to scream, he wanted to scream so loud he lost his voice. The pain made him shake his legs in an attempt to distract himself, it didn't work.
Mista could feel his very blood drain from him. He had gotten his blood taken before at the hospital, but this felt nothing like it. It was almost as if a low level vacuum was pulling him out from the inside. He felt his entire body reject giorno, he felt sick. He felt tired and dizzy. He couldn't breath, so all he did was hold giorno as tightly as he could.

He felt like he was dying.

He was crying at he kept focused on the pink bedsheets. Terrified of moving his gaze even an inch. He felt so much he started to feel nothing. The screaming, agonizing, burning pain was all Mista saw, felt and even heard. He disgusting sound of drinking, and Mistas' own sobbing made him cringe and recoil deeper into the embrace.
Mista could no longer contain the sounds of his own agongy. A deep gutteral groan escaped his throat, followed by the most pathetic whimper Mista had ever made.
He didn't like hearing his own pain, so he, against his conscious judgement, dug his own teeth into the shoulder of his beloved. Returning what he was feeling.

His tears was all he could feel at this point, he was loosing energy. His eyes couldn't stay open and fluttered shut. He wasn't sure if it was the short breaths he was taking, or the fact that he was literally being drank like a Minecraft potion. But he was thirsty, hungry and tried. He lost all sense of time and was unaware of the intensity of the situation. He lost it all.

He eventually lost all feeling, he could no longer feel the agony that was ravaging his body. He stopped crying, he had lost the water to do so.

Mista lost all ability to think as he focused on those pink sheets between slow blinking.

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