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More than anything else Damon was shocked. He thought that it would take a lot of time before he could get her. But it was a little too easy.
He had prepared his heart for rejection and was planning on saying things too sooth her but he never prepared his heart for what would happen if she accepts so he went to momentary shock.

Sia could feel his body stiffen and his mouth open with shock. She cleared her tears and laughed at the comical sight of her husband and said,

" And here I was thinking that you already got used to me being unexpected."

Her laughter bought Damon back to reality and he just looked at her with a huge smile plastered on his face. He asked,
" Mrs Damon is everything that you said true?"

Sia just smiled and hooked her arms around his neck and said,

"I am sad Mr Damon that you won't trust your wife. Of course I love you. A lot. To the point of no return."

Damon looked at her in the eyes and could tell that she is telling the truth. Her eyes were sparkling like jewels.

After what she said he leaned forward and gave her a gentle yet passionate kiss. Sia though surprised at first closer her eyes and accepted the kiss.
Diamond hands went from the back of her neck down to her waist and he was about to pull her to the driver's seat when all of a sudden his phone rang. Waking them up from the moment and realise what they were actually doing.
Sia embarrassed went back to her seat and turned her attention outside the window.

Where as Damon smiled wryly after looking at the caller ID. It was Felix.
Damon out of shock looked around seeing if her brother was there somewhere. But that was not the case. There car was still in the parking lot of Damon's company. He coughed and picked up the phone only to hear angry Felix on the other side say,

" Hey Damon where are you? I thought you would be here even before I arrived."

"Don't worry Felix. I am on my way."

" Sia is coming with you right?"

" Yes she is."
" Ok. Well it seems today there is going to be a lot of drama around here. Alex sent some recording to your dad and me. And my dad also heard it and guess what they are both really mad."

" Uncle Sen also went to look for a doctor. Just in case any of us does get drugged."

" Good it is better safe than sorry. Well I will end the call now or else I will be really late."

At that Damon started the car and they went on there way to the hotel for the party.

The ride was quiet but Damon would look at Sia from time to time and seeing her blush he felt satisfaction he could not describe in words.

Where as Sia was talking with Valak in her mind mind,

' system can you tell me what type of drug they would be using. '

[ I am sorry host I can do anything but that]

Well from what I remembered this was not in the plot. There was no drugging or anything in it.

[Well that maybe because the male lead has immunity to drugs. Or he always keeps medicine to undo the effect of drugs.]

'Wait such medicines existed but from wha...'

[ This is a novel sis and they existed even in your world but they are slow working ones.]

' how come I never knew about it.'

[ Well the author who is writing this book is a shitty person with major brain hole.]
(A/N Valak how could you after I gave birth to you.)

~~End Of Chapter~~

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Please overlook the details.

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