Chapter 67

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Before Blaze could make his way over I punched Jason with my infamous right hook.

Forget Blaze, he was making even me wildly uncomfortable so much so that I forgot it was my mission to annoy Blaze.

Why was he being so reckless with me?

He wasn't like this before.

"Ow!" He squealed. This time his nose bled and Stacey immediately rushed over with a handkerchief to press on it.

Was it... by any chance that he was trying to agitate Blaze purposefully.

Thinking back, his timing of returning Zarine too looked suspicious.

What was he planning?

Was he perhaps trying to get us together? Push me and Blaze together.

So he could get Jem?

But I didn't get much time to contemplate on that since Blaze tore through the crowds towards Jason.

Jason looked fearful but satisfied at the same time. It confirmed my suspicions.

Apparently the punch and the nose bleed I gave him wasn't enough.

He was thankfully tackled by the jocks along with Hails, Drake, and Jake,

Ugh, such high maintenance.

Look at how much trouble has already caused.

Blaze didn't seem to be trying much but the boys all found it very difficult to calm him down.

The two banshees who were crushing on him seemed to have heart signs in their eyes.

So cheesy, male display of dominance. I rolled my eyes.

I felt a hand pulling me away from the center of the commotion.

Raven's eyes were on the boys as she pulled me to a safe spot.

Her concern is kinda adorable.

Zarine leeched on to my leg once again.

He seemed to be afraid of the commotion.

Finally, we could hear the alpha asking them to stop. Blaze dusted some sand off himself apparently no on could even land a scratch on him.

While some of the boys already looked pretty beat from his punches. Needless to say, he could have killed them easily if that what he was aiming for. He even planted some solid punches on Jason.

But maybe because of me, he didn't have the intention to kill.

Werewolves heal fast so this wasn't going to be detrimental.

Everyone stood around him, waiting for the alpha's next orders.

"Anyone who touches her..." he said pointing at me, giving me a fixed stare.

My eyes widened.

What's he doing here.

"No, any male who even looks at her, forfeits his life." He claimed.


For a second I couldn't imagine the audacity of this statement.

Everyone unconsciously turned to look at Jem.

"Jemima and I are no longer a couple. As soon as we are back, she will be moving out of my quarters." He clarified.

That came as a shock to everyone. Everyone gasped. Jem and Blaze were no longer together!

This new development happened way too fast for any of us to have seen this coming. I mean, of course, there were some gossips around campus that things were no longer so peachy among them. But even in a failing relationship, everyone expected them to cling to each other for a while trying to salve what was left.

Jem glared at me.

The banshees' eyes lit up with the news. Even Sierra's. I see so she only wanted power. Drake was a beta she was willing to abandon as soon as something better came along. There was a competitive air between them and the three of them turned to glare at me.

Great he made me public enemy number one among she-wolves. I know one too many she-wolves who have been praying for their break up. And he completely rejected any future prospects I had. Who was willing to go against the king?

I haven't been one of those she-wolves. In fact, no, no, no this is all so wrong.

Jem and Blaze are supposed to be together. That how I had planned my revenge. I wanted to torture them with each other. Their weaknesses.

Now how was I going to get to them? Torture myself and Jason?

It didn't seem ideal.

"This you can post on the school website," Blaze told the jock who recorded the manager incident with a smirk.

"Let everyone know that I am courting her." His eyes held triumph.

"And let everyone know that their alpha king was shamefully rejected," I growled.

The triumph in his eyes didn't fade.

So he had found a new way to taunt me.

That news wouldn't find the light of day of Lexi and I had anything to do about it.

"You shall stick with me for this entire trip." He claimed so pompously.

I couldn't help but chuckle.

Did he really think he can throw me away like trash and come back when he pleased?

Did he think even for a second that we will be together?


The irony cracked me up.

I couldn't help my laugh.

Raven too took my side as she glared at Blaze. She was a loyal friend I knew that.

Everyone else excluding Hails who shielded his mate seemed to be shaking under the pressure of his dominance.

My sinister laugh confused my mate, made everyone uncomfortable.

"Try me." I challenged him darkly.

He dared to claim me? Let's see if he is able to even keep up pretenses.

Everyone squirmed with the tension in the air.

"Challenge accepted." He said with a smirk.

His piercing gleamed like his electric blue eyes.

We were all ready for the game to begin.

Hi, Lovelies, 

My uni just started today and I didn't get time to edit the chapters or make it longer, so forgive me.

I will try to make amends with the nest update to the best of my abilities.

Please bear with me.

Meanwhile, you know the drill- comment, vote and follow.

I haven't been able to come around to everyone's comments but I will be doing it shortly.


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