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"Tam Song, you tell me what's wrong right now or I swear I'll make all your hair products disappear," Marella threatened me, her finger an inch from my nose and her bright blue eyes narrowed to slits. I crossed my arms and gave her my best "try me" face. 

"Linh, dear," she called, not taking her eyes off me. "Would you kindly tell me where your brother keeps a certain Mr. Shadowmaster?"

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Linh poke her head in the room. "Why?" Her eyes widened in understanding, and she grinned. "Why of course, Marella, my love. He's right--"

"ALRIGHT!" I yelled, throwing my hands in the air. "You win!"

Marella leaned back, crossing her arms and glancing over at Linh with the smuggest face I'd ever seen. "Told you I could make him crack."

"I never doubted you for a second," Linh teased, disappearing back into the hall and adding as an afterthought, "I'll make cookies to celebrate!"

"Well, at least there's that," I grumbled. 

"So, Tamarin Song," Marella said, hopping onto my beanbag and snuggling in. "Spill."

"Tamarin's not my name, for the last time, and I like Keefe Sencen, so do me a favor and wipe that smug smirk off your face before I color it in with permanent marker."

Marella stretched, her freckled face one of pure satisfaction. "Aaaaaah, confessions. Almost as sweet as cookies."


"So touchy." She smiled. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Your secret's safe with me."

"Good," I muttered, holding my head up and making sure to make as dramatic an exit as possible. "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got cookies waiting for me, and you don't get any."

"Your sister's sweet enough for me!" Marella called, and I had to laugh. 


If all goes well, I'll probably be making a Kam book, so this is just a sneak peek I guess?

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