Knockout x shy Deception reader

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A request from LuaKitsune, a fellow author here on Wattpad, I hope you like it. The names for the femee's parents belong to LuaKitsune, and I came up with the name for Knockout's assistant.

Knockout's optics quickly come back online as he wakes up from having the same nightmare for the past few nights. He goes home to visit his parents. When he tells them that he changed affiliations and is now an Autobot, His mom was upset but supported her son. The only problem his father was furious and shouted from his son to leave the house. He told him never to come back ever again, and he would call the authorities if he showed up.

I can't go back home. I don't want to take the risk of having my nightmares coming true. Knockout thinks slowly gets off the berth in the apartment the medic is living in now.

The ex Decepticon medic walks up to the window and forces a smile seeing the Autobot symbol on his chest, seeing his reflection. He decides to take a walk to clear his head. after picking up the keys off the table, the medic heads outside.

Meanwhile, a few blocks away, a Decepticon with red and blue armor sprints out of her house. Her optics fill with tears as she changes into her alt mode, a 2012 Nissan gt-r black edition with a 'tri striped' paint job. One of her headlights is red, and the other is blue. She hears her mother calling after her as she speeds off down the street.

Knockout thoughts are interrupted by the sound of squealing tires as the car makes a sharp turn, jumps the curb, and flips over his head. The femee quickly transforms into her bot mode to avoid damaging her vehicle mode — the femee groans as she lands on the ground, and Knockout sprints over to her.

Her optics quickly come back online. Fear builds up in her system, seeing Knockout's face looking down at her. She back away gets to her feet and tries to run away. Knockout seeing that the femee is leaking energon from a wound on her leg. The medic chases after her.

"Slow down, my dear, I only want to help you." Knockout says.

"I don't accept help from anyone, especially an Autobot," the femee shouts.

A few seconds later, the femee passes out due to her losing too much energon. Knockout calls Sunblast, his assistant, over his com as he approaches her.

"Sunblast, I need your help," Knockout says.

"Knockout, what's happened?" Sunblast asks.

"I have an injured femee, and she needs an energon infusion stat," Knockout says.

"Where are you?" Sunblast asks.

"About ten klicks away from my apartment," Knockout says.

"I'm on my way," Sunblast says.

Ten minutes later, Sunblast arrives and, in shock seeing Knockout walking up carrying the unconscious Decepticon femee.

"Knockout, why didn't you tell me that the femee is a Decepticon," Sunblast gasps.

"Sunblast, I know you've been only working for a few days. I told you the day I hired you, that I'm a medic who helps any patient no matter if they're an Autobot or a Decepticon." Knockout says.

"I know," Sunblast sighs as sitting down his medical kit.

Sunblast takes out a patch kit. He closes the injury on the femee's leg before they head to the clinic. Ten minutes after they arrived at the clinic and Knockout attached the energon drip to the femee. She starts to come around and quickly sits up.

"Why did you bring me here, Autobots," The femee asks.

"Because you were injured and we're medics. It's our job to help," Knockout says.

"Okay, thank you for your help," the femee says.

"Knockout, sir, why did you decide to join the Autobots?" Sunblast asks.

"After Cybertron restoration, while I was locked up. It gave me time to reflect on my actions, and I realized that it didn't have the best role models growing up. I decided to join the Autobots." Knockout says.

"Are you going to ask me to join the Autobots?" the femee asks.

"That is your choice to make my dear, not mine," Knockout replies.

"I have a question, why was she out at this time of the morning? Sunblast asks.

"Sunblast, the femee needs to rest, she can explain why she was driving so recklessly," Knockout says.

The medics leave the room so the femee can get some rest. Knockout goes over to the desk to start a new patient file for the femee they just brought in to the clinic. Sunblast puts some of the femme's energon into a test tube to extract some of her CNA so they can contact her parents so they can pick her up once she can go home in a few hours.

The femee lies down on the berth and sitars at the ceiling, not wanting to go back home once the medics let her go. Her parents think she is weak since she isn't too high in the ranks in the Decepticons than a general, especially since she been training with the con' for the past three months.

A few hours later, her parents, Thunderstorm and Moonwave, arrive at the clinic. Knockout sees a shocked expression on Thunderstorm's face when he sees that an Autobot helped his daughter.

"Thank you so much for saving our daughter's life," Moonwave says, giving Knockout a big hug.

"You're welcome, ma'am, just doing my job," Knockout says.

Thunderstorm quickly yanks his sparkmate away, "Would you stop thanking the Autobot," Thunderstorm scoffs, placing his sparkmate back on the ground next to him.

"I'm sorry about my husband's manners. He still hasn't learned how to be grateful that someone you cared about hasn't become one with the Allspark," Moonwave says as she slaps Thunderstorm in the stomach.

"It's fine, ma'am, this isn't the first time I've gotten that response after helping a Decepticon," Knockout says as he leads them inside to their daughter's room.

Knockout sees the femee's optics fill with tears as Thunderstorm begins to drag her out by the wrist.

"You are grounded young lady, let's go, and i never want to have to pick you up from a clinic run by an Autobot ever again," Thunderstorm says.

"Sire, I'm sorry, but I'm not going back to the nemesis." The femee shouts as she yanks her hand out of her sire's grip.

"What are you saying," Thunderstorm asks. "I don't have the skills to become a great Decepticon, so I'm changing sides. I'm joining the Autobots," The femee shouts. The mech brings his hand up to slap his daughter to bring her back to reality. Knockout stands between Thunderstorm and the femee. "Thunderstorm, I have to ask you and your sparkmate to leave. Your daughter is almost an adult, so that means she has a right to choose what she wants to be," Knockout says. The femee's creators leave the room, Moonwave gives her daughter a reassuring nod telling her daughter that she made the right choice. After the door slides closed, the femee leans in and kisses Knockout on the cheek. When the femee backs away, the medic feels his spark begin to skip a beat.

"Are you okay, boss," Sunblast asks, walking in to see Knockout frozen staring off into space.

"Yes, Sunblast..I'm fine," Knockout replies, blushing slightly from embarrassment.

"Thank you for standing up, Knockout," The femee says.

"You're welcome, my dear," Knockout says.

Wow, I hate to admit it, but Knockout does look cute, especially when he is blushing. The femee thinks.

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