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"Please don't leave me like mommy" she begged and teared up. " I am not leaving you, Rory, not now not ever," I said and wiped her eyes as the tears fell "promise?" she asked and I nodded she smiled and hugged me again. "Would you like me to tell them or would you?" I looked over and seen Carlisle wheeling in a machine which Seth and Paul looked at it confused than me.

"I will, "I said then cleared my throat and sat Rory up on my lap as I sat back up a little. "I am pregnant," I said no one said anything but Rory was smiling. I looked at her and smiled "I am gonna be a big aunt?" she asked and I nodded. "How?" I looked over at Paul who asked: "I was..." I trailed off and closed my eyes and looked away. "nonconsensual sex" I finally said I heard a growl and I looked up seeing Paul shaking.

"Who?" he asked "please drop it I handled it, he won't bother me or anyone ever again," I said and he nodded then walked over to me while Dr. Cullen asked Rory to stand with Seth so he walked over picked her up and held her. " please lay back down," Dr.Cullen said so I did and felt a warm grasp on my hand I looked as seen Paul holding my hand.

"By the way my name is Carlisle," Dr. Cullen said as he turned on the machine. "Will you please lift your shirt?" he asked and I did having it rest on top of my stomach "this will be cold" he warned and I nodded as he applied the gel then used the probe device of the machine to smear it around. It was a bit cold but nothing compared to his touch.

I looked at the screen as Paul sat beside me. I have seen the screen showing my stomach before I heard a fast womping sound. Then I heard and excited intake of breath so I looked over and seen Rory staring at the screen smiling. I grinned then looked over at Paul and he looked at me then leaned down and kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes briefly before opening them and looking at the screen.

"There your baby is," Carlisle said pointing to the screen. I looked and seen my baby that is the size of a lime. "Awe," I said as I stared in adoration. Carlisle moved the probe around taking pictures and measurements. "Baby looks healthy which is good the fast heartbeat is normal. So I will have the pictures printed off then I will come back with your discharge papers and unhook you from the iv's and machines and talk to you more about the pregnancy" he said then moved the probe and handed me a hand towel.

I thanked him and cleaned my stomach off carefully then fixed my shirt and placed the towel on the side of the bed. I slowly sat up and smiled at Paul as Rory was talking to Seth about how she will be the best aunt to her niece or nephew.

Paul looked at me as he brushed his thumb back and forth over my hand I looked at him. "Does this change anything between us?" I asked him and he shook his head "you had no control of what happens to you" he said and I smiled glad that our relationship won't be affected by me being raped which resulted in my pregnancy.

After Carlisle came back in and gave me my discharge papers and removed the iv and wrapped my arm then removed the others and talked to me about how he scheduled me doctors visit in four weeks to check on things. I thanked him and we all left, I made a promise that I will take care of not only myself and my unborn baby but Rory as well so our family will be happy and healthy with no scares like my fainting.

We arrived home and I was about to start cooking but Paul told me he will order take out, so I thanked him and told him I was paying but he told me no and before I could protest he kissed me and I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed back.

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