41. Gemcation

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Okay so I'm thinking of releasing the fan art chapter soon so if you want to be included in please let me know :) 

Also I've had a few people ask me questions about writing in general. So I was wondering if anyone wants me to write a quick book/chapter with some tips and a sort of guide on how I write things and things I like to avoid when writing. Let me know if that would be helpful to others. 

Steven is sitting on a chair outside of the car wash, reading his own texts while texting on his phone.

'Hey, Connie. How are you today?' 'Hope everything's going okay.' 'It'd be cool if you told me it was...' 'I guess I miss you.' 'I know yesterday I said, "I guess" but I mean, I do miss you...' 'Hope you didn't get your phone mixed up with a tennis ball. Ha ha.' "A tennis ball? Really, Universe?! " Steven sighs.

"Help! Ah! Yah! Back!" Greg is then seen struggling to remove a water hose that is tangled around himself.

"Ugh! Hey, uh, Steve-aroni, ughh, want to help your old Pa over here?" Greg calls out.

"Uh, yeah, Dad, one sec." Steven says back. He reluctantly sends a final text to Connie, reading 'Please talk to me."

" Sorry. Sorry. I'm on it." Steven runs up to Greg and bites off a piece of the hose, freeing Greg.

Steven grunts." Are you good? Are you safe? Do you still love me?"

 "Yeah, of- of course, buddy. It's just some hoses. I can buy new ones. I still have like... 9 million dollars left, and what better way to spend that than on some hoses, right, kiddo?" Greg chucles.

"Yeah, Dad." Steven's cellphone vibrates and he gasps in shock. He holds out his phone and reluctantly checks it, only to see a text from Ronaldo.

'STEVEEEN! So. Did you ever get around to watching the "Koala Princess" box set I lent you three months ago?' The text reads and Steven sighs in dismay.

"Hey, is... everything okay? You're looking a little glum." Greg asks Steven

"I am a little glum."Seven replies.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Greg asks.

"Umm... It's just... space lag... from when I went to space." Steven says as he walks off.

"Hmm..." Greg says.

Back home, Steven is absentmindedly wiping a plate with a soap bottle, still sighing in disappointment, when his cellphone starts vibrating again.

"Ah!" He throws the plate and soap bottle away in surprise. "Waahh!"

Steven reaches for his phone but then pauses himself.

"Wait. No. I need to play it cool." Steven casually flips over his phone and eagerly checks his phone screen. However to Steven's disappointment it was only another text from Ronaldo. 

'I'm just gonna assume by your silence that you're entangled within the immersive koala lore of the show. Did you get to the part where Koala Princess and Kanga-Roofus kiss?'

Disappointed, Steven puts down his phone, when he hears Greg's voice from outside.

"Steven, you want to help us with these... groceries?" His Dad calls out.

"Coming." Steven says.

Greg, Y/n and the Crystal Gems walk in,each carrying some groceries.

"Eh? Eh?" Greg says.

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