4|Just Follow My Lead

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TONI!" I yelled "umm can you help me pick out an outfit for tomorrow." I made up. She stared at me confusingly, then excused herself from the living room and followed me upstairs. My gosh, if my mum ever found out, she would have many questions. Oh crap! Now Toni's gonna ask!
So I didn't have to answer any questions, I went straight to my wardrobe to look for clothes.

10 mins later, and I still haven't found an outfit

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10 mins later, and I still haven't found an outfit.
I started to hear small movements, then the feeling of hands on my shoulders. "You know you have a wardrobe full of clothes. Pick some." Toni stated.
"I'm just trying to pick the right one," I whispered, still looking.
"Come on, Cheryl, stop being so difficult," Toni said with a little chuckle. I dropped the clothes I was holding and turned around, showing the single tear I had traveling down my cheek.
"Wait, Cheryl, I was -" Before she could finish, I ran to my bathroom and locked
myself in.

"I'm sorry if I said anything wrong

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"I'm sorry if I said anything wrong. I was only joking. Gosh, why do I always mess everything up? " she whispered the last bit but loud enough for me to hear.
"Wh-what to you m-mean". I sniffled
"It's kind of a long story."
"Well, maybe if you tell me yours, I'll tell you mine." I said without thinking.
"Only if you come out, cutie." I went to the mirror to dry my tears and came out to sit in the edge of my bed.

Toni's POV

"My parents left me when I was 16. On my birthday. By message. With no explanation because I guess I saw it coming eventually. My parents left me because I'm different, but I'm okay with being different."
"What do you mean different?"
"It's kind of weirded to explain..."
"Well, then show me, I'm sure it's not as bad as they made it out to seem," she beamed. My gosh is cute!
I said , "Okay," then lifted her onto my lap and said to follow my lead.

Cheryl's POV

My breathing increased as she lifted me into her lap. "Just follow my lead, okay?" Before I could answer, I was met with lips attached to mine.

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